1997-98 Support & Training Report


According to the archives, Userhelp processed 2593 requests for assistance since April 1997. Of these, approximately 11% were referred to ccn-tech for intervention and 2% to other departments such as the office or Board. The busiest times at Userhelp during the past year were the switchover to TShell and the SMTP server policy change.

Userhelp would like to commend all the participating volunteers for their assistance in making Userhelp run smoothly.

Tony Cianfaglione Team Leader - CCN Userhelp

Help Documentation

Over the last year, the HelpDesk has undergone only minor adjustment.

The conversion of users to the new 't-shell' has resolved the worst problems experienced by volunteers editing the on-line documentation and now, after the major revision last year there is now a need to return to a program of regular document maintenance.

Strategies for keeping both the English and French document sets current are being explored but have not been completely finalized.

There is a need for volunteers to assist with the maintenance/development of French language documents.

Because of other responsibilities associated with Chebucto and CSuite I would like to turn over all or part of the responsibility for the Helpdesk (on-line documentation) and the PDA (Public Download Area) to other volunteers.

David Potter - Help Desk