CSuite - Community Networking System

CSuite Workshop - August 27, 1997

August 20, 1997-Previous Next-September 3, 1997 Return to Workshop Index


Mail traffic report

David Trueman reported on the new traffic report. Discussion ensued around possible extra features. See ccn-tech list for details.

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MHonArc Mailing List Archiver

Carrie Gates reported that she had generated an HTML archive of her mailbox on CSuite by running MHonArc from the command line, and it was quite satisfactory.

The next step will be to install it on CCN and subscribe it to a mailing list - CCN-tech was suggested since its present archive is broken.

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Solaris Port

Jamie Fifield reported that he had some success with the Solaris port, but much remained to be done. The compile seems to be strangely sensitive to comments.

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Quota management

After some discussion, it was determined that we needed to test the implementation of disk quota under Linux, and make sure that quotas were installed and activated on the appropriate file systems by touching quota in the root of the partition. We were uncertain as to whether the standard CSuite user was installed under quota by default.

David Potter will add documentation of the origin of a user's quota (by edquota from guest, upon account creation) to the Admin Documents.

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ccn-operations mailing list

djm will create this zmailer list, which will be the target of various reports that need root attention.

Clarity as to which reports need to reach "office" is required - e.g. failed-modems report, failed logins report?

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Creation of dot files in pilot, the file browser for Pine and Pico, needs correction.

Most other bugs are resolved, except certain key responses.

The Bounce after Compose crash under SunOS remains, as it is an OS issue.

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Backups on csuite

Document procedure for backups on csuite.chebucto.ns.ca and assign to Blaine

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SCSI problems on csuite

Must be resolved within a few weeks for warranty - Jamie Fifield and djm

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ftp report

csuite:/usr/local/bin version is most current.

Consider creating specific accounts for clients who wish to download CSuite

Logging can more accurately track who actually downloads the package.

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ud6 user db query

Andrew Dacey reported some progress.

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Cobequid machine

djm reported problems with the RJ48 connector, it was suggested that Cobequid should resolve this issue.

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Added 4M RAM

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CSuite Workshop Mailing List   csuite-dev@chebucto.ns.ca  List Archive  
Editorial comments to   aa146@chebucto.ns.ca  Ed Dyer  
Workshop Coordinator   djm@chebucto.ns.ca  David J Murdoch
August 20, 1997-Previous Next-September 3, 1997
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