The following organizations have contributed to the startup and operational capabilities of the SWCA CAPS

Industry Canada
    The department’s mission is to foster a growing competitive, knowledge-based Canadian economy. The department works with Canadians throughout the economy and in all parts of the country to improve conditions for investment, improve Canada’s innovation performance, increase Canada’s share of global trade and build a fair, efficient and competitive marketplace. Program areas include developing industry and technology capability, fostering scientific research, setting telecommunications policy, promoting investment and trade, promoting tourism and small business development, and setting rules and services that support the effective operation of the marketplace.

Province of Nova Scotia, Technology and Science Secretariat
    Provided CAP funding to establish the SWCA CAP site. Further funding will be available for two additional years for the use of the Region to support and promote the sustainability of all sites.

1. To form an Association of Community Access Project sites and supporting organizations in HRM
2. Foster co-operation and intra-regional initiatives among the CAP sites in HRM

South Woodside Community Association
1. Provide location and space for the Main CAP Site

South Woodside Elementary School
1. Provide High Speed Internet Connection
2. Technical assistance as required

North Woodside Community Centre
1. Provide location and space for a Satellite CAP Site

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