The Point-of-View of Our Times

We admit it, we're biased. But so is all media, mainstream or alternative. Journalists are human after all (insert your own sarcastic comment here), raised with a set of assumptions, personal beliefs and loyalties. We all have filters.

To see the whole picture, we need to look at an issue from several angles. That's why the alternative press is indispensable in complementing mainstream media. We hope the Sustainable Times can be a source of perspectives you may not hear everyday. Project Censored thinks so: the U.S. group, which highlights under-reported stories, saluted our article on organic farming in Cuba.

Some say our ideas are radical, some say they aren't radical enough. We think they just make sense. But then again, we're biased. Tell us why our filters need adjusting.

And take all media with a grain of salt. To become more media literate, check out the Media Awareness Network.

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