Challenge Squares - Time & Day varies, Welch's Home address below
Caller: Dottie Welch

      The Motivators began dancing as a tape group in the fall of 1981 learning the Advanced Program from Ed Foote teaching tapes. The name "Motivators" was chosen because "motivate" is one of the moves in the A-2 list and many of our founding members had been part of the board that motivated the 3rd Canadian National held in Halifax in 1982. By the spring of 1983 we had learned the 80 moves in the A-1 and A-2 lists and were ready for our first Advanced dance with a live caller. We held a very successful Advanced Weekend with Anne Redden calling.
      With encouragement from Anne and the dancers, Dottie Welch began learning to call in the fall of 1983. Gradually we made a transition from dancing to tapes recorded by Dave Hodson for his A-2 club in Ohio to live calling with Dottie.
      Starting in May of 1987 we began learning the C-1 list (first level of Challenge). By July of 1988 we had explored all 100 moves on the C-1 list and were into the smoothing out and speeding up process. As our skills improved we tested our abilities by dancing to tapes recorded at the National Advanced and Challenge Convention. We continued to use a few tapes to allow Dottie an opportunity to dance.
      Age and health have taken their tolls; the Club dances no more. Surviving members fondly recall the many meetings during which friends explored the rich world of Challenge dancing.

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