Memo to PTA Presidents Halifax District PTA P O Box 33042 Quinpool Road Post Office Halifax,NS B3L 4T6 Subject: April 19th meeting and other related topics of interest Just a reminder that our April 19th meeting will be attended by our four former city school board representatives: Stella Campbell, David Driscoll, Carolyn MacFarlane and Jim Houston. Also attending will be Mr. David Reid, our new Superintendent of Schools. Main topics of discussion will be the upcoming budget, the high - school honours program and commercial partnerships (the Athena Educational Partnerships - Youth News Network). We have been covering the subject of environmentally safe schools quite extensively this year. On March 22nd Mr. Gerald Muise, the newly appointed environmental advisor for the Department of Education, came to meet with us. He is there as a resource person for the school boards to turn to for advice in dealing with school environmental problems. The onus is on the school board and there is as yet no requirement for them to avail themselves of his expertise but the very existence of this position and Mr. Muise's readiness to accept these concerns as genuine and requiring of attention is an encouraging development. Two notices of motion were announced at the last School Board Meeting (Mar23) and will be discussed and voted on at the April 27 meeting. They are (1) "That when the HRSB discusses Educational Programs and Services during Budget we examine providing Art, Music and Drama in an equitable way , across the full board" (A great idea, but what is our supplementary funding for?) and (2) "that the HRSB direct staff to seek in input from our Principals, Advisory Councils and Home and School Associations in the Former Dartmouth and Halifax School Boards on the allocation of supplementary funding and that this information is made available before budget discussions to board members and staff.” (Maybe it should also be provided to Municipal Councillors?) We have had a lot of interest in the subject of the disappearance of High School Honours courses. We have sent letters to the school board and to the Department of Education. (copies of these letters can be seen on our website). The position of the Halifax District PTA is that honour courses are an important and positive part of the high school curriculum and should be protected. We are calling for the reinstatement of Honours English at the Grade Ten level and the retention of all other Honours courses. This position reflects the feelings of all members who have contacted us on this subject. We were surprised to hear that our honours courses are more or less a local phenomenon and don’t exist system wide. This may be their Achilles’ heel! Mr. Don Trider has written a proposal on the subject of the Youth News Network. You may have seen articles on this subject in the newspapers lately. Opinion on commercialismin the schools is diverse and in many cases, emotionally charged. A copy of Mr. Trider's paper will soon be available on our website.( postscript April 9th- It appears that this is, at least for the time being, a dead issue as the Department of Education has decided against having YNN in the province's schools)