[NatureNS] Re: Ovenbird and Blue-headed Vireo

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From: NancyDowd <nancypdowd@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 6 May 2018 09:51:34 -0300
References: <8CAFA17A-B2D3-4EFA-82D0-37AEAAF0838C@gmail.com>
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And I just heard a N Parula here too (E Dalhousie, Kings Co). Lots of people have been seeing and hearing these birds in the past two days in other places. It is on the same checklist as the BH Vireo. A documentary recording only (ie Horrible quality).

> On May 6, 2018, at 8:59 AM, NancyDowd <nancypdowd@gmail.com> wrote:
> Two new arrivals here in E Dalhousie, Kings Co this morning! I was surprised to see the only other eBird report of Ovenbird this year was from the far SW of the province.
> You can hear the BH Vireo here or on the MacCauley link: https://ebird.org/canada/view/checklist/S45347336
> https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/98471891?__hstc=60209138.654ce176d843afbf64b3825199d7a408.1396643674838.1525599442366.1525606652336.158&__hssc=60209138.7.1525606652336&__hsfp=2933905051
> And the Ovenbird on this checklist or link: https://ebird.org/canada/view/checklist/S45345469
> https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/98463321?__hstc=60209138.654ce176d843afbf64b3825199d7a408.1396643674838.1525599442366.1525606652336.158&__hssc=60209138.6.1525606652336&__hsfp=2933905051
> Nancy

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