The ability to sustain ourselves -- to survive --
<\#000><\#000>is of primary importance.
<\#000><\#000> The topic of sustainability has become controversial
<\#000><\#000>since humanity has grown to stretch the limits of living on
<\#000><\#000>Earth. Survival now requires extensive change, yet some
<\#000><\#000>people are attempting to define sustainability in a way that
<\#000><\#000>would avoid change. Some of the arguments are valid.
<\#000><\#000>Some are not.
<\#000><\#000>SUSTAINABLE. This document contains an outline of
<\#000><\#000>sustainability and some introductory explanations. Compare
<\#000><\#000>it with your view of the world and let us know if you think
<\#000><\#000>this account can be made more accurate.
<\#000><\#000> The goal of sustainability is not served by avoiding
<\#000><\#000>disagreements. Truth is uncovered through the encounter of
<\#000><\#000>differing opinions. Until this debate takes place in the open,
<\#000><\#000>with everyone adding their insights, we will not resolve the
<\#000><\#000>differences which keep us from decisive action. Without
<\#000><\#000>action, civilization will sink deeper into the environmental
<\#000><\#000>and social peril which threatens our future.
<\#0 00><\#000>
<\#000><\#000>THE NEED FOR CHANGE WAS CONFIRMED by the United
<\#000><\#000>Nations' World Commission on Environment and
<\#000><\#000>Development (also known as the Brundtland Commission,) in
<\#000><\#000>their report, "Our Common Future". They stated that: "Many
<\#000><\#000>present efforts to guard and maintain human progress, to
<\#000><\#000>meet human needs, and to realize human ambitions are
<\#000><\#000>simply unsustainable - in both the rich and poor nations.
<\#000><\#000>They draw too heavily, too quickly, on already overdrawn
<\#000><\#000>environmental resource accounts to be affordable far into the
<\#000><\#000>future without bankrupting those accounts."
<\#000><\#000> They identify sustainability as: Meeting "the needs of
<\#000><\#000>the present without compromising the ability of future
<\#000><\#000>generations to meet their own needs." The Sustainability
<\#000><\#000>Project aims to expand debate on how to do this by asserting
<\#000><\#000>the following:
<\#000><\#000>1 - use materials in continuous cycles.
<\#000><\#000>2 - use continuously reliable sources of energy.
<\#000><\#000>3 - come mainly from the qualities of being human
<\#000><\#000> (i.e. creativity, communication, coordination,
<\#000><\#000>appreciation, and spiritual and intellectual development.)
<\#000><\# 000>
<\#000><\#000>4 - require continual inputs of non-renewable resources.
<\#000><\#000>5 - use renewable resources faster than their rate of renewal.
<\#000><\#000>6 - cause cumulative degradation of the environment.
<\#000><\#000>7 - require resources in quantities that could never be
<\#000><\#000> available for people everywhere.
<\#000><\#000>8 - lead to the extinction of other life forms.
<\#000><\#000> Do these points seem accurate ?
<\#000><\#000> Is anything missing ?
<\#000><\#000> Can a sustainable society exist within other boundaries ?
<\#000><\#000> Brief explanations of these eight points follow.
<\#000><\#000>1) Use materials in continuous cycles.
<\#000><\#000> Pictures from space show our blue and green planet as
<\#000><\#000>a small sphere orbiting with its moon in a vast emptiness. A
<\#000><\#000>closer look reveals that the layer of materials actually of use
<\#000><\#000>to living things is only a very thin film over the planetUs
<\#000><\#000> Within this limited stock of materials, any substances
<\#000><\#000>needed regularly must over time, be used again and again.
<\#000><\#000>The cycles which bring the needed materials back for reuse
<\#000><\#000>must either occur naturally, like the cycles of water and
<\#000><\#000>carbon, or they must be maintained through mindful
<\#000><\#000>recycling programs.
<\#000><\#000>2) Use continuously reliable sources of energy.
<\#000><\#000> We are consuming supplies of coal and oil at a far
<\#000><\#000>greater rate than they are created. The dangers of releasing
<\#000><\#000>all the carbon in these resources aside, their massive use
<\#000><\#000>cannot be our custom if civilization is to be a permanent
<\#000><\#000>presence on Earth. The same is true of nuclear energy. The
<\#000><\#000>enormous cost and danger could perhaps be overcome, but
<\#000><\#000>the raw fuel is, in the end, also limited in supply.
<\#000><\#000> This leaves heat from the Earth's core, tides, the sun
<\#000><\#0 00>(nuclear fusion at a safe distance) and the wind and water
<\#000><\#000>which the sun sets in motion. These power sources are
<\#000><\#000>abundant, and can be harnessed practically anywhere. With
<\#000><\#000>the exception of the problems associated with large dams,
<\#000><\#000>these renewable sources of energy have little or no negative
<\#000><\#000>environmental impacts.
<\#000><\#000>3) Come mainly from the qualities of being human.
<\#000 ><\#000>
<\#000><\#000> Once we have secured the food and shelter necessary
<\#000><\#000>for healthy life, worlds of opportunity open up for personal
<\#000><\#000>growth and satisfaction. The three "L's:" Learning, Love and
<\#000><\ #000>Laughter, as well as art, music, dance, sport,
<\#000><\#000>communication, service, and appreciation of the universe
<\#000><\#000>within and around our selves, can all make life worthwhile.
<\#000><\#000>They can provide pleasure, purpose and meaning to our lives
<\#000><\#000>without harming the Earth.
<\#000><\#000>4) Require continual inputs of non-renewable resources. < BR><\#000><\#000>
<\#000><\#000> Non-renewable resources are resources available only
<\#000><\#000>in limited quantity. Metals, coal and oil are notable
<\#000><\#000>examples. They can be very useful, even essential, for
<\#000><\#0 00>building a sustainable society, but if our way of life always
<\#000><\#000>requires that more and more of these materials be extracted,
<\#000><\#000>we will eventually run out. Dependency on more at that
<\#000><\#000>point would be disastrous.
<\#000><\#000>5) Use renewable resources faster than their rate of
<\#000><\#000> Renewable resources are resources which grow and
<\#000><\#000>increase through natural processes. Some examples are
<\#000><\#000>forests, fish stocks, ground water and soil fertility. As long
<\#000><\#000>as the rate at which they are used is not greater than the
<\#000><\#000>rate at which they grow or accumulate, the situation can
<\#000><\#000>remain viable. When the rate of use exceeds the rate of
<\#000><\#000>renewal, the stock will become depleted and problems will
<\#000><\#000>6) Cause cumulative degradation of the environment.
<\#000><\#000> Certain amounts of pollution are cleansed by natural
<\#000><\#000>processes. When we create waste which nature cannot
<\#000><\#000>handle, or which cannot be absorbed as fast as we create it,
<\#000><\#000>pollution builds up, causing problems which become more
<\#000><\#000>and more serious as the activity continues. Some pollutants
<\#000><\#000>can create serious hazards even when thoroughly diluted.
<\#000><\#000>Small amounts of toxic materials, after being absorbed by
<\#000><\#000>tiny organisms, can accumulate in the flesh of the creatures
<\#000><\#000>that eat them. If these creatures are then food for larger
<\#000><\#000>ones, the accumulated toxins are concentrated even further.
<\#000><\#000>Through this biological accumulation, some poisons,
<\#000><\#000>although thinly dispersed, can be found in dangerous
<\#000><\#000>concentrations -- for example, in the fish people eat from
<\#000><\#000>polluted water.
<\#000><\#000>7) Require resources in quantities that could never be
<\#000><\#000>available for people everywhere.
<\#000><\#000> The cooperation needed to build a sustainable world
<\#000><\#000>order will not come about as long as some groups of people
<\#000><\#000>take unfair advantage of others. Inequity often leads to
<\#000><\#000>social strife and armed conflict. Furthermore, the people at
<\#000><\#000>the bottom of the pyramid of exploitation are often forced by
<\#000><\#000>desperation to degrade the environment around them for day
<\#000><\#000>to day survival. The degradation of their territories not only
<\#000><\#000>makes life worse for them, it undermines the global systems
<\#000><\#000>which provide for those at the top of the pyramid as well as
<\#000><\#000>for those below.
<\#000><\#000>8) Lead to the extinction of other species.
<\#000><\#000> The web of life is intricate and mutually supporting.
<\#000><\#000>However, it is weakened with each life form lost. If we
<\#000><\#000>maintain patterns of development which regularly destroy or
<\#000><\#000>significantly diminish the presence of other forms of life, we
<\#000><\#000>progressively undermine our own existence as a part of the
<\#000><\#000>global ecosystem. With the loss of species we also lose
<\#000><\#000>genetic possibilities for fighting disease, in people and in food
<\#000><\#000>crops, as well as potential new sources of food. In addition
<\#000><\#000>to the dangers and loss to people, one can also argue that
<\#000> <\#000>other living things have their own right to exist.
<\#000><\#000> Humans have never had to pay much attention to the < BR><\#000><\#000>Earth's limitations. For thousands of years, our activities
<\#000><\#000>have been insignificant on any but a local level. This has
<\#000><\#000>changed. Enormous advancements in mechanical and
<\#000><\#000>chemical technology have greatly extended the power of
<\#000><\#000>individuals, and world population has mushroomed to the
<\#000><\#000>point that our actions are now felt all over the globe.
<\#000><\#000> This has significantly changed our relationship with
<\#000><\#000>the Earth.
<\#000><\#000> Sustainability has always been the bottom line in
<\#000><\#000>evolutionary judgment, but it has taken the problems caused
<\#000><\#000>by our rapid growth in population and technical strength for
<\#000><\#000>us to realize that it will also be the final measure of our
<\#000><\#000>success. We have come of age as a species. Where we were
<\#000><\#000>treated as young offenders in the past and dealt with
<\#000><\#000>leniently by natural law, we are now fully responsible for our
<\#000><\#000>actions and subject to the same laws which rule the survival
<\#000><\#000>of any organism.
<\#000 ><\#000> Almost all of our customs and institutions were
<\#000><\#000>created before environmental limits were recognized. Many
<\#000><\#000>of them served us well in past centuries. Today, however,
<\#000><\#000>our survival depends on learning to respect the laws of
<\#000><\#000>nature and on adapting the way we make decisions and do
<\#000><\#000>business accordingly.
<\#000><\#000> * * * * * * * * * * *
<\#000><\#000>Economics is 3/5 of Ecology.
<\#000><\#000>Economics only deals with:
<\#000><\#000>Materials, Processing & Distribution.
<\#000><\#000>Ecology is concerned with:
<\#000><\#000>Resources, Materials, Processing, Distribution & Waste
<\#000><\#000>Environmental problems come from the economic process
<\#000> <\#000>overlooking waste and the base of natural resources.
<\#000><\#000> The entire range of economic activity can be looked at
<\#000><\#000>in terms of three basic steps.
<\#000><\#000>1) Assembly of MATERIALS:
<\#000><\#000> Locating or gathering raw materials like soil and seed,
<\#000><\#000>metallic rocks and energy; or information and images.
<\#000><\#000>2) PROCESSING the assembled materials:
<\#000><\#000> Planting, cultivation and harvesting; extracting metal
<\#000><\#000>from the ore and forming it into useful items; or organizing
<\#000><\#000>the information into a coherent, useful or entertaining
<\#000><\#000 >
<\#000><\#000>3) DISTRIBUTION of the end product:
<\#000><\#000> Getting the produce grown, the goods manufactured,
<\#000><\#000>or the report, film or whatever has been produced, to people
<\#000><\#000>and places where they can be used and appreciated.
<\#000><\#000> In a well developed economy, the raw material for one
<\#000><\#000>economic activity is often the product from one or several
<\#000><\#000>other activities. However, the three steps are basic to them
<\#000><\#000> From an ecological viewpoint, these same three steps
<\#000><\#000>are present. Plants and animals collect nutrients, process
<\#000><\#000>(digest) them into useful forms and distribute them to organs
<\#000><\#000>and limbs for use in their growth and activity. Sometimes,
<\#000><\#000>creatures even gather materials and form them into
<\#000><\#000>"artifacts" for specific purposes, such as nests and
<\#000><\#000> In both the human economy and the natural world,
<\#000><\#000>these steps of assembling materials, processing and
<\#000><\#000>distribution are accompanied by two further considerations:
<\#000><\#000>the natural resource base, and waste. In economics, these
<\#000><\#000>concerns have seldom been accounted for. In the study of
<\#000><\#000>ecology, however, the limitations these impose are often
<\#0 00><\#000>observed and sometimes explained as the "law of the
<\#000><\#000>minimum" and the "law of tolerance":
<\#000><\#000> THE LAW OF THE MINIMUM states that growth will
<\#000><\#000>continue drawing on available materials as needed until one
<\#000><\#000>of those materials is exhausted. The first material to be used
<\#000><\#000>up is the limiting factor. Soil degradation, loss of genetic
<\#000><\#000>diversity, and the depletion of fossil fuels, forests, fish stocks
<\#000><\#000>and other resources, are examples of the problems which
<\#000><\#000>arise when this 'law' is overlooked.
<\#000><\#000> THE LAW OF TOLERANCE deals with the ability of
<\#000><\#000 >different organisms to tolerate changes in their living
<\#000><\#000>conditions. Changes in climatic conditions or the chemical
<\#000><\#000>composition of their surroundings can lead to intolerable--
<\#000><\#000>and therefore limiting- - situations, as can the arrival of a
<\#000><\#000>competing organism or a new predator. Among the concerns
<\#000><\#000>associated with the limits of tolerance are: the greenhouse
<\#000><\#000>effect, ozone depletion, pollution of soil, water and air, the
<\#000><\#000>loss of natural habitat, pesticides and garbage.
<\#000><\#000> Every environmental problem results from either
<\#000><\#000>overlooking the resource base or the waste we create. Some < BR><\#000><\#000>complex problems, such as overpopulation and militarism,
<\#000><\#000>have effects in both areas.
<\#000><\#000> If Mother Nature were to present invoices for resources
<\#000><\#000>extracted and wastes absorbed, conventional economic
<\#000><\#000>accounting would be able to keep human activities in
<\#000><\#000>balance with the rest of the natural world. Now that Mother
<\#000><\#000>Nature is ailing, we may have to tally the costs and pay the
<\#000><\#000>bills to raise the money so badly needed to prevent
<\#000><\#000> There is no shortage of vision in the land. Wherever
<\#000><\#000>there are problems, people dedicate themselves to solving
<\#000><\#000>them. Tens of thousands of people have, for many years,
<\#000><\#000>been working on the entire spectrum of issues related to
<\#000><\#000>sustainability. These include environment, development,
<\#000><\#000>peace, justice and the fulfillment of our potentials as human
<\#000><\#000>beings. The understanding, experience and vision coming
<\#000><\ #000>from the voluntary/non-profit sector, provide an encouraging
<\#000><\#000>picture of the world we could create, if only we could agree
<\#000><\#000>on its implementation.
<\#000><\#000> We are presently working on a www home page using
<\#000><\#000>the eight points outlined above as index headings linking to
<\#000><\#000>the work of people and groups in the voluntary/non-profit
<\#000><\#000>sector. (e-mail sustain@web.apc.org for details.)
<\ #000><\#000>
<\#000><\#000> The eight point outline of sustainability was derived
<\#000><\#000>from a four year study of the concerns, aspirations, and
<\#00 0><\#000>initiatives of voluntary and non-profit organizations.
<\#000><\#000> The impression made by the assembled materials was
<\#000><\#000>dramatic. Clearly these people understand the problems and
<\#000><\#000>know what we can do to solve them. In addition, numerous
<\#000><\#000>groups pointed out that we have a limitless ability as human
<\#000><\#000>beings to enjoy ourselves. Friendship and creativity are the
<\#000><\#000>real thing. The rat race is optional.
<\#000><\#000> Taken as a whole, this voluntary/non-profit view of the
<\#000><\#000>world is reassuring and inspiring. It seemed important to
<\#000><\#000>find ways to share it, and so, the Sustainability Project
<\#000><\#000>evolved. The eight point reference is a point-form outline.
<\#000><\#000>This document and the materials described below provide
<\#000><\#000>various amounts of detail and the means to share basic
<\#000>< \#000>ideas. As more and more people come to see sustainability is
<\#000><\#000>a viable option, society is more likely to adopt appropriate
<\#000><\#000> Share this eight point reference with people you know.
<\#000><\#000>You will find they agree in principle, but may feel we cannot
<\#000><\#000>change the direction in which society is heading. It is an
<\#000><\#000>"Emperor has no clothes" situation. We can see that
<\#000><\#000>sustainability makes sense. What we don't realize is that
<\#000><\#000>enough others see it the same way to establish it as our
<\#000><\#000>priority. Help us press the issue into public debate and
<\#000><\#000>together we can create a mandate for change.
<\#000><\#000>addition to the items listed below, we can provide material
<\#000><\#000>for community papers, bulletin boards and other outlets. We
<\#000><\#000>are also prepared to help you organize meetings on the topic
<\#000><\#000>with your friends and associates. Contact us directly for
<\#000><\ #000>more detail.
<\#000><\#000> As a general goal, sustainability is hard to oppose.
<\#000><\#000>However, when it comes to details, there are some differences
<\#000><\#000>of opinion. With this in mind we propose a public registry of
<\#000><\#000>all the ideas and information on the subject. This would be
<\#000><\#000>one purpose of the home page mentioned above. Differing
<\#000><\#000> opinions could be highlighted with the opposing views listed
<\#000><\#000>side by side for easy access and deliberation.
<\#000>< \#000> Printed copies of this document in booklet form with
<\#000><\#000> "A Strategy for Environmental Recovery" A booklet
<\#000><\#000>outlining the strategy of the Sustainability Project.
< \#000><\#000>
<\#000><\#000> SUSTAINABILITY CARDS: These "business size"
<\#000><\#000>cards list the Guideposts on one side and can say anything
<\#000><\#000>on the other. We will send 20 standard cards at no cost to
<\#000><\#000>anyone who wants to see how people respond. We also
<\#000><\#000>customize cards for people willing to be identified with
<\#000><\#000>sustainability. Personal calling cards, regular business
<\#000><\#000>cards, organizational introductions or tickets to events can
<\#000><\#000>all carry the sustainability reference on the back. These
<\#000><\#000>cards are $25 for 500 or $30 per thousand, a fraction of
<\#000><\#000>commercial rates, thanks to supporter contributions.
<\#000><\#000>Distributing cards for any reason helps introduce the issue.
<\#000><\#000>We also have colourful distribution boxes which patiently
<\#000><\#000>offer cards in public places. Write for some samples and our
<\#000><\ #000>explanatory booklet:
<\#000><\#000> "The Public Debate We've Been Waiting For."
<\#000><\#000> "PLANNING FOR SEVEN GENERATIONS" This book
<\#000><\#000>explores the basic relationship between People and the
<\#0 00><\#000>Earth, how that relationship has changed and what we have
<\#000><\#000>to do to regain a durable balance with our planet. It
<\#000><\#000>contains 144 pages of ideas, information and explanations
<\#000><\#000>about: the root causes of the challenge, the promising
<\#000><\#000>opportunities sustainability offers and how we can meet the
<\#000><\#000>challenge by setting our sights on that goal. Written by Mike
<\#000><\#000>Nickerson, the coordinator of the Sustainability Project, this
<\#000><\#000>basic book costs only $5.95 plus $1.50 for postage and
<\#000><\#000>handling. ($2.50 p&h to the USA)
<\#000><\#000>KIT: For a thorough introduction to sustainability, we offer
<\#000><\#000>an entire kit of materials. The kit includes a copy of
<\#000><\#000>"Planning for Seven Generations", sustainability cards, and a
<\#000><\#000>23 minute video which explores the theme of the book in a
<\#000><\#000>progression of images, words and music -- a convenient way
<\#000><\#000>of sharing these ideas with small or large groups.
<\#000><\#000> In addition the kit includes a discussion guide which
<\#000><\#000>provides a detailed technique for drawing any audience into
<\#000><\#000>discussion around the general topic, starting with their own
<\#000><\#000>experiences and concerns. By first sharing familiar
<\#000><\#000>experiences, people relate much more directly to the theme
<\#000><\#000>of the video and the issue becomes clearer. The discussion
<\#000><\#000>helps give participants the confidence to consider the
<\#000><\#000>challenge and the options for resolving it.
<\#000><\#000> The video is available in VHS, Beta, PAL and SECAM
<\#000><\#000>formats. The basic cost is $50. In a reinforced case,
<\#000><\#000>recommended for institutional or frequent use it is $65. For
<\#000><\#000>students, seniors and people with low income, $35. Postage
<\#000><\#000>is included in these prices.
<\#000><\#000> Some of the materials we offer cover their own costs,
<\#000><\#000>some are partially subsidized by donations. Project
<\#000><\#000>development, outreach and free materials are entirely
<\#000><\#000>dependent on memberships and contributions.
<\#000><\#000> Get in touch and we will help you find ways to
<\#000><\#000>introduce the issue in your community.
<\#000><\#000> MEMBERSHIP in the Sustainability Project helps us
<\#000><\#000>continue our work and entitles you to periodic updates.
<\#000><\#000>$15 for individuals $25 for families.
<\#000><\#000> CONTRIBUTIONS of any size are welcome.
<\#000><\#000>Donations made to the Sustainability Project can be tax
<\#000><\#000>creditable by making your cheque out to the "Sierra Club of
<\#000><\#000>Canada Foundation". Indicate the "Sustainability Project" on
<\#000><\#000>the check and send it to the address at the end of this
<\#000><\#000> A Time of Change A Time to Choose
<\#000><\#000> Judging all things by the measure of profitability has
<\#000><\#000>left us with serious environmental and social problems. This
<\#000><\#000>booklet introduces sustainability as an alternative value by
<\#000><\#000>which to measure what we plan and do. You are invited to
<\#000><\#000>consider how our future would differ if we made
<\#000><\#000>sustainability our goal.
<\#000><\#000> It may be difficult to imagine the kinds of changes
<\#000><\#000>involved and how we will be effected. But if you and your
<\#000><\#000>family, friends, or others who share this goal talk about it
<\#000><\#000>and exchange ideas, a sustainable future becomes more
<\#000><\#000>imaginable. The more people who discuss it, the more
<\#000><\#000>imaginable it becomes. Remember, there are literally
<\#000><\#000>billions of us with our futures in the balance. We each have
<\#000><\#000>creative abilities and more than enough cause to act. When
<\#000><\#000>we recognize the strength we have together, taking on the
<\#000><\#000>challenge of our times will be a matter of course.
<\#000><\#000> Humankind has more knowledge and ability than ever
<\#000><\#000>before. The prospects of material security with enhanced
<\#000><\#000>quality of life are unparalleled. We can secure the future.
<\#000><\#000>The question is whether or not we will make it our priority to
<\#000><\#000>do so.
<\#000><\# 000> Let's talk about sustainability!
<\#000><\#000>SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT sustain@web.apc.org
<\#000><\#000> P.O. Box 374
<\#000><\#000> Merrickville, Ontario
<\#000><\#000> Canada K0G 1N0
<\#000><\#000> Phone: (613) 269-3500 Fax: (613) 269-4693
<\#000><\#000> By empowering the word sustainability with our hopes
<\#000><\#000>and dreams for the future, we can forge a useful tool.
<\#000><\#000> The tool is a wedge, which, through the single word,
<\#000><\#000>can introduce an environmental world view and dislodge
<\#000><\#000>entrenched beliefs from a bygone era.
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