Septs of the Clans: T

[Provincial Tartan of New Scotland (Nova Scotia)] Tartan of New Scotland (Nova Scotia); Click to enlarge [jpeg:10K]

[Long Marble Green Line]
[Thin Rainbow Line]
        Taggart                       Ross
        Tamson                        MacThomas
        Tarrell                       MacIntosh
        Tarrill                       Mackintosh
        Taweson                       MacIntosh
        Taweson                       Campbell
        Tawesson                      Campbell of Argyll
        Tawse                         MacIntosh
        Tawse                         Farquharson
        Tawse                         Campbell
        Taylor                        Cameron
        Thain                         Innes
        Thom                          MacIntosh
        Thom                          MacThomas
        Thomas                        MacThomas
        Thomas                        Campbell
        Thomas                        Mackintosh
        Thomason                      MacThomas
        Thomason                      MacFarlane
        Thomason                      Campbell
        Thomason                      MacKintosh
        Thompson                      MacThomas
        Thompson                      Campbell of Argyll
        Thoms                         MacThomas
        Thoms                         MacIntosh
        Thoms                         MacThomas
        Thoms                         MacThomas
        Thomson                       MacThomas
        Thomson                       Campbell
        Thomson                       Mackintosh
        Tod                           Gordon
        Todd                          Gordon
        Tolmie                        MacLeod (of Lewis)
        Tolmie                        MacLeod of Raasay
        Tonnochy                      Robertson
        Torrie                        Campbell of Cawdor
        Torry                         Campbell of Cawdor
        Tosh                          Mackintosh
        Tosh                          MacIntosh
        Toshach                       Mackintosh
        Toshach                       MacIntosh
        Toward                        Lamont
        Towart                        Lamont
        Train                         MacDonald (of the Isles)
        Troup                         Gordon
        Tullo                         Ross
        Tulloch                       Ross
        Turner                        Lamont
        Twaddle                       Fraser
        Tweeddale                     Fraser
        Tweedie                       Fraser
        Tyre                          MacIntyre
        Tyre                          Ross
[New Scotland (Nova Scotia) -=- Where the Heart is Still Highland!]
[Thin Rainbow Line]
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[Long Marble Green Line]