Septs of the Clans: W

[Provincial Tartan of New Scotland (Nova Scotia)] Tartan of New Scotland (Nova Scotia); Click to enlarge [jpeg:10K]

[Long Marble Green Line]
[Thin Rainbow Line]
        Walker                        MacGregor
        Walker                        Stewart of Appin
        Wallace                       Wallace
        Wallis                        Wallace
        Walter                        Forbes
        Walter                        Buchanan
        Walters                       Forbes
        Walters                       Buchanan
        Wares                         Sinclair
        Warnebald                     Cunningham
        Wason                         Buchanan
        Wass                          Ross
        Wass                          Munro
        Waters                        Forbes
        Waters                        Buchanan
        Watson                        Buchanan
        Watson                        Forbes
        Watt                          Buchanan
        Watt                          Forbes
        Watters                       Buchanan
        Watters                       Forbes
        Wattie                        Forbes
        Watts                         Forbes
        Weaver                        MacFarlane
        Webster                       MacFarlane
        Wedderburn                    Home
        Weems                         MacDuff
        Weir                          MacNaughton
        Weir                          MacFarlane
        Weir                          Buchanan
        Wemyss                        MacDuff
        Whannel                       MacDonald (of the Isles)
        Whannell                      MacDonald (of the Isles)
        Wharrie                       MacQuarrie
        Wheelan                       MacDonald (of the Isles)
        Whellan                       MacDonald (of the Isles)
        White                         MacGregor
        White                         Lamont
        Whyte                         MacGregor
        Whyte                         Lamont
        Wilkie                        MacDonald (of the Isles)
        Wilkinson                     MacDonald (of the Isles)
        Will                          Gunn
        Williamson                    MacFarlane
        Williamson                    MacLeod (of Harris)
        Williamson                    Gunn
        Williamson                    MacKay
        Wills                         Gunn
        Wilson                        Innes
        Wilson                        Gunn
        Wright                        MacIntyre
        Wylie                         MacFarlane
        Wylie                         Gunn
        Wyllie                        MacFarlane
        Wyllie                        Gunn
[New Scotland (Nova Scotia) -=- Where the Heart is Still Highland!]
[Thin Rainbow Line]
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[Long Marble Green Line]