South Coast of Newfoundland

Four weeks along the South Coast of Newfoundland aboard the “Concertina” from mid-July to mid-August 2006.

Saturday, 22 July 2006

Taylor Bay to Cinc Island Bay in Fortune Bay;
A nasty morning fails to ruin the day.

St. Jacques Island
Saturday the 22nd began with very strong SW winds coming right up the bay and into our anchorage. When there wasn’t a stinging rain coming at us the log noted “a heavy mist”. In any case, after sorting out the anchor lines, we powered out the Great Bay de l’Eau directly into the gusts and steep choppy seas, under bare poles to minimize windage. With close to full power it took us 4 hours to progress the 6 miles to St. John’s Head where we could use wind power to our advantage for the run off to the eastward. We set a double-reefed main, a single-reefed fore and full jib as the rain let up, only to be replaced by a solid fog bank that soon hid the lee shore from our sight.

As we approached St. Jacques Island Light the fog lifted, the rain departed, the seas abated, and the land was again visible off our port bow, a most welcome revelation.
Once past St. Jacques we turned northward skirting a good deal of fish aquaculture gear in place off the shore below Belloram and about Chapel Island. The settlement at Belloram seemed to be having a fully amplified musical celebration that day as we sailed past. Eventually we tucked into South Cove located in a corner of Cinc Island Bay.
Dinghy in Cinc Island Bay With the hook down by 1700 the crew headed in with soap and towels for a welcome bath in the stream at the head of this cove. Trout were noted in the tidal pool where the dinghy was made fast to the shore.
The Beach at Cinc Island Bay After supper a beach walk was undertaken and a good deal of polypropylene and plastic flotsam was discovered washed up along the head of this rocky beach in contrast to the rest of our surroundings.
Cinc Island Bay at Sundown
The clear vista looking out Cinc Island Bay was a peaceful counter balance to the squalls and rain of this day’s beginning.

Friday, 21 July 2006 return to log index
Sunday, 23 July 2006