Fiskiörn Kindred

[image - fish-eagle in flight]

A Nova Scotian kindred of the Elder Troth

Falla fossar,
flýgur örn yfir,
sá er á fjalli
fiska veiðir.

You have reached the home page for our Halifax, NS, kindred of the Ring of Troth, called Fiskiörn Kindred for the bird pictured above. (If you're using a text browser that doesn't read special characters, that word can also be written as "fiskioern".)

Contact people currently are our gyðja, who is sometimes known as Katla, Shane, and Francine. Information can be had from Little Mysteries Books, Barrington Street: ask the store owner about us. You can also send email to, and it will reach us.

As a Kindred, we conduct the seasonal blessings and work to increase our knowledge of the practices, religious beliefs and mythology of prechristian Northern Europe. We have recently completed a series of workshops on Runes of the Elder Futhark at Little Mysteries Books, one per month. We are investigating seiðr, and run seiðr sessions open to the general public (see "kindred events" for details). For more information on runes, rune readings, rune magic or rune workshops, seiðr sessions, or seiðr workshops, Norse cosmology and ritual practice, please contact us.

[image - Thor's Hammer]
For information on current and past events check out:

  • Blotar (rituals) and other events (with picture from Avalon East, 1996)
  • Rune workshops
  • We welcome any people who wish to learn about Ásatrú and our beliefs, the Goddesses and Gods of the Aesir and Vanir, and religious rites.

    [Seal - The Troth]  HSPACE=The Troth is an international organization of Ásatrú followers. Its practices and philosophies are explicitly anti-racist, anti-homophobic, non-sexist. It has members in Canada, the US, and elsewhere and is associated with other Heathen organizations in Britain, Scandinavia, North America, Ireland, Australia... Its annual meeting, Trothmoot, attracts members of many non-affiliated kindreds within North America, as well as guests from overseas. Details of Trothmoot 98 available from Troth website, or from gydhja"at"

    [image -osprey flying to its nest]

  • ERCE Earth Religions Coalition East, in Halifax
  • The Troth, (a.k.a. Ring of Troth)
  • Our Ásatrú links including Ásatrú, Runes, Seiðr, history, literature, museums, archaeology, mythology, poetry...
  • Goddess Knotwork, local pagan/heathen cyber-connections, or Katla's page on Knotwork
  • Ragnheið's poetry page

  • what is "fiskioern"? and why did we choose this name (click on the image above for a larger version...)
  • Subscribe to Canadian Ásatrú Email List. Include in your message only the words SUBSCRIBE CDN-HEATHEN-L. List address is A mail list for the discussion of Heathenry in Canada (as if it wasn't obvious...)

    for further info contact: our gydhja email: gydhja"at"; (replace "at" with @ )

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    Last Updated: Frigga's day, October 2, 1998