Edith Marie Jollimore was born in 1916 in Terence Bay right on the rocks by the fish plant. She's one of nine children and is deathly afraid of water and boats. She married Harvey Jollimore when she was 19 and they had five children. They met at a dance when he was living on Creighton Street in Halifax. Together they lived there on Yale Street for 39 years.

Edith lived across from the Crossroads School and would just wait till the bell rang and run right on to school. She remembers teachers Ian Furlong, and Helen Quiggly. She also recalls times she and a bunch of friends went to Back Bay to make a bonfire, singing together to the tune of the harmonica, telling jokes. She also would go to dances in Sambro travelling by boat to Pennant and then walking on to Herring Cove area.

When she was 15, she went to Halifax to live with her Aunt Kathleen on Uniacke Street and got a job housekeeping.

Upon reflection, Edith blames the lack of social occasions in the 20th century on television and the car which she says started people moving away.