Lucy Neatby - Tradewind Knitwear Designs -Knitting Essentials 1 DVD

Flags Tradewind Knitwear Designs by Lucy Neatby

Knitting Essentials 1 DVD index


Bind-Off Methods

Regular method using a crochet hook
The last stitch conundrum!
Regular for rib
Three-needle to match vertical columns
Modified Conventional (knitwise)

Cast-On Methods

Long-Tail / Continental with two hands
Adusting the width of your cast-on edge
Adjusting the tension of your cast-on stitches
Looking after your tail yarn
Long-Tail / Continental one-handed
Long-Tail variation for an extra strong elastic edge
Long-Tail used as a provisional edge


Right-slanting (k2t) - ref Reading the knitting
Left-slanting (ssk)
Ssk versus s1-kw-psso
Left-slanting (ssk) variations
Fully-fashioned decreases for easy seaming
Double decreases; three stitches become one (S2t kw-k1-psso), s1kw-k2t-psso
Kindness to stitches outside the decreases
A comparison of decreases both focussed and scattered
Reading Decreases

Finishing Basics

Tidying up the junk
Mattress Stitch basics
Knitting (picking) up new stitches
Three-needle Bind off for shoulders

Gauge Matters

The three ways to change your stitch size:
Needle size
Yarn size
Number of stitches


Right slanting increase - a subtle right-leaning increase
Left slanting increase - a subtle left-leaning increase
Make 1, and make 1 with a twist
Reading your increases

Useful Miscellanea

Coil-less pins
Yarn butterflies
Running Yarn marker / Knitting in the round on dpns
Slip knot
Setting up a swift
Ball winder and centre-pull balls
Threading a needle from the extracted section of ends at edges
Comparison of right and left-hand yarn manipulation
Purling manipulating the yarn with the left hand

Odds and Knitting in Ends

Knitting in a tail
Tail neatening whilst purling
The balancing act!
Ends in the round and darning needle skills
Ends at the edges of a Mattress stitch seam
Splicing and spit splicing
Cheering up unhappy stitches by diagonal darning
Diagram of unhappy stitches

Rescue Remedies

Laddering back knits and purls
Ripping back wholesale
Ripping back slowly

The Secrets of Contented Stitches

The Contented stitch
Hills stitches and valley loops
Balancing stitches
The facts of life; how stitches are made
Stitch mount and the significance of the direction of throwing the yarn around the needle
Factors in controlling stitch size: tension and angle
Stitch abuse and the unhappy edge stitches
Slipping stitches and stitch mount
Twisted stitches
Reading the knitting

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The Small Print

45 Dorothea Drive, Dartmouth, NS, B2W 5X4, Canada
All images and text Copyright © 2006; Lucy Neatby, Tradewind Knitwear Designs
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