Date: Sun, 18 Feb 01 16:20:27 EST
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'America On Line Watch Out"

You now have the opportunity to enroll FOR FREE in a new online community 
that PAYS YOU TO BE A MEMBER and were not talking peanuts.


How does $10,000+ a month potential sound just for using their 

There is a new sheriff coming to town and their focus is to 
be bigger and better than AOL.

This brand new community is coming out in about 30 days.

It is a full service ISP, Internet Gateway, Search Engine/Directory, Shopping 
Mall, Virtual Office, and just about anything else you can think of, all rolled 
into one easy-to-use site.Besides your own email account, mailroom, marketing 
center and providing you with Internet tools that you never even dreamed
You'll have access to anything AND everything that the Internet has to offer. 
You'll OWN it, and the revenue that is generated from EVERY feature will be 
paid to YOU!

What most Internet users don't realize is that from the moment that you log on
to the moment you log off,  you are generating a good deal of cash for someone 
else.  Even if you do not buy or fill out anything!! Your membership in this
company, will change your view of the Internet forever by enabling you to
profit from it whether you are online or not.

This company is developed by professionals.  They spent the past 2 years in a 
"Think Tank" constructing this new community and what you will be introduced
to will blow your mind.
A major advertising company,one of the worlds largest  has taken on the
duties of spreading the word. 
they will be doing this in a BIG WAY!!!! 

Were talking T.V., Radio, Billboards, Newspaper, and 
magazines. They will be blasting it EVERYWHERE which 
will include internationally.

Next thing to know is that this opportunity is owned by 
MAJOR companies,  which means to you and me that they
have the financial backing to pull something like this off.

If you had a chance to be in at the beginning of America On 
Line and the chance to buy into the company you would 
have made a HUGE amount of money. Well, here is your 
chance to get in on the ground floor and it will cost you 

There will be over 400 ways to earn money by using their commumity. 

It is free to join.    

for more info send a blank e-mail to with 
MORE INFO!! in the subject line.

**** DO not hit reply it wont get read!****

sign up for free and recruit 10 people to earn affilliate status!!

GO ENROLL NOW!!!!!!!!!!

Many,many people have allready recieved very generous cheques for their 
participation so far---YOU CAN TOO!

Best regards,

Accounts Manager

This is a one time mailing as a result of you or someone using your e-mail address to post to one of my ffa sites or classifieds,or we are subscribed to the same opt in group.If you were not the intended reciprient of this message please accept my apologies and just send an e-mail to with "remove" in the subject and you will be removed
from future mailings.
Thank you.

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