Doon't fall victim to a divorcce attoorney and a grreedy ex geet the..., Ccn vfdlmA

From: "Hindenburg P. Casandra" <>
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Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 12:01:59 -0500
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<title>Get The Most Dangerous Book in The World</title><META content=3d"M=
SHTML 6=2e00=2e2600=2e0" name=3dGENERATOR>
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<table border=3d"0" cellpadding=3d"0" cellspacing=3d"14" width=3d"550" bg=
<tr><td width=3d"61%" align=3d"center"><b><font face=3d"Verdana" color=3d=
"#cc3333" size=3d"6"> Get The
Most Dangerous<br>Book in The World</font>
<br></b><div align=3d"center">
<table border=3d"0" cellpadding=3d"4" cellspacing=3d"0" bordercolor=3d"#1=
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<tr><td align=3d"center" valign=3d"top" width=3d"463">
<p><strong><font face=3d"Arial" color=3d"#003399"><br>
"Your book was a fantastic source<br>
of all the essential insider information
that is so hard to find anywhere else=2e Excellent!!!" </font><font face=3d=
"Arial" color=3d"#000000">
- James McDermott</font></strong></p>
<td width=3d"100%"><p align=3d"justify"><font face=3d"verdana, helvetica"=
 size=3d"2"> <b>
<br></b><b>Already one politician has tried his hardest to silence this '=
explosive and
dangerous' book=2e Here=92s why:</b> The Essential Underground Handbook i=
probably the most revolutionary book to be offered for sale anywhere in t=
world=2e <b>Discover the secrets your governments don't want you to know<=
/b>=2e <b>Here's
a sample of what's inside:</b></p>
<ul><li><b>The quick start guide to offshore banking</b> - how to open 5 =
offshore bank
accounts in less than 5 minutes!<br><li><b>How</b><b> to keep all your mo=
ney</b> instead of giving it to the tax
<li><b>Transfer money anonymously </b>and safely using pass through accou=
nts, stash
accounts and spend accounts<br>
<li><b>Open anonymous merchant accounts</b> to take credit card payments =
anywhere in the world<br>
<li><b>How to get anonymous Visa and MasterCard credit cards</b><br>
<li><b>How to set up discreet mail drops in over 100 countries</b> with l=
ittle or
no identification requirements<br>
<li><b>How to get an untraceable GSM cell phone</b> <b>and set up telepho=
numbers</b> in most major cities in the world=2e<br>
<li><b>How to surf the internet anonymously</b> using a network of 'publi=
c' proxy
servers<b> </b>and route your anonymous internet connection through multi=
<li><b>How to set up International Business Corporations</b> (IBCs) in ov=
er 30
offshore jurisdictions such as Panama, Channel Islands and the Bahamas<br=
<li><b>How to get a legal second passport</b> from another country and us=
e it to
travel safely worldwide<br>
<li><b>How to get fake identity documents</b> (plus a FREE BONUS of a
collection of 20 different types of identity documents - see bonus sectio=
n for
<li><b>How to acquire and use an International drivers permit</b> in a di=
name to drive 'legally' in any country around the world<br>
<li><b>How to hack into other poples computers remotely</b> - we show you=
 a hacking
walkthrough that describes one easy technique that gives almost guarantee=
access to files on other peoples computers<br>
<li><b>Automated hacking tools</b> how to set up, install and use automat=
hacking tools<br><li>
<b>Tracing and Tracking people</b> - including missing persons - we show =
some of the methods used by Private Investigators to find those who don't=
to be found<br><li>
<b>Performing background checks on people</b> - find out lots of hidden
information about new employees, business associates and potential client=
<b>Confidential Check Cashing Services</b> that will cash any check in an=
y name
even if you don't have ID<br><li>
<b>Discover sources for the most controversial insider magazines and jour=
You won't find many of these advertised in the mainstream - they are trul=
<b>How to get a prestigious title </b>- you could become a Lord, Lady, Co=
Countess or Sir for only a few dollars<br><li>
<b>How to be ordained as a minister </b>- free of charge, form your own c=
and be legally exempt from taxes</li>
</ul></font></td></tr><tr><td width=3d"100%" align=3d"center">
<b><a href=3d"http://Ija3:rTiF@www=2ethechickmagnet=2ebiz/1/index=2ehtml?=
Ttj3yK=3dFOQH/u-fgi=2ehtml"><font face=3d"Verdana" size=3d"5">Find out mo=
re and<br>
get four FREE bonuses!!!</font></a></b><BR></td>
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