Don't worry, just listen

Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 01:37:18 -0600
From: "Arnold Randle" <>
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<p>Carol, waiting to hear from you
<p>This is a courtesy offer and you are not restricted to the financial options that your consultant has prepared for you. Your consultant is at your disposal to assist you in reaching your financial goals.
<p>If you have been following the financial news you will know that the rates are poised to be raised consistently over the next six months. We are giving out an initial promotional offer to qualified candidates. To claim your rate lock, visit the link and verify the information. 
<p>You will be contacted by a financial specialist promptly. Your satisfaction is our primary goal. Our specialists will do everything they can to help you save money starting today.
To modify your future contact options, please reference here.
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