get yourediplomanow

From: "Earle Dominguez" <>
Date: Tue, 04 May 2004 01:01:28 -0500
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Obtain a D'i.p*l~o.m*a has 
never been so easy !<br>
Call today and find out how you could get your D.i~p.l*o,ma 
and D.e*gree<br>
from a highly credited college, Full Transcripts,<br>
A Letter of Recommendations, and also your GPA.<br>
<font face=3D"Tahoma" size=3D"2" color=3D"#FF0000">(1.917}-}591)-(5093}</f=
ont><font face=3D"Tahoma" size=3D"2"><br>
No required tests, classes, books, or interviews.<br>
Diplomasare available include but are not limited to:<br>
Bachelors, Masters, MBA, and Doctorate (PhD)<br>
Available in any field of your choice.<br>
Everyone is approved, Never is anyone turned down.<br>
Total Confidentiality assured. <br>
Call Today d,i*p'l'o*m`a within days!!!<br>
<font color=3D"#FF0000">----------------------------------</font><br>
	24 hours a day, 7 days a week<br>
	including Sunday and Holidays.<br>
</font><font size=3D"2"><br>
<br><font size=3D"0">The singer Paul Robeson would sing the spiritual "Go =
Down Moses" and explain that it was a protest song of slaves who had Harri=
et Tubman in mind.=20</font>
<FONT SIZE=3D1 color=3D#F7FFFD>However, I had learnt to love. She taught m=
e how to. I could fill her with love; touching her eyes with mine, ploughi=
ng my fingers in her hair, whispering my laughter in her ears. She would s=
pread her tiny little complains with her head on my shoulder. We would aim=
lessly talk while walking on a deserted road in a tranquil evening. I woul=
d sing her songs in my gauche voice and she would disperse her melodious l=
aughter in the air. I had planned everything. And along with this, I had a=
lso saved enough money to fulfill many of her not innocent wishes._2/FONT>


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