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From: "Alfredo Kidd" <MVDSBAQYN@ma.tum.de>
To: ccn-mem@chebucto.ns.ca
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 08:37:41 +0200
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<title>machines able to make errors</title>
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<table width=3D"75%" border=3D"1">
    <td><p align=3D"center">&nbsp;</p>
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<p><font size=3D"2">to take off your email <a href=3D"http://www.souvlakin=
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<font color=3D"#fffff6">which I gave a critical non-modern reading. In par=
ticular paying attention to her notion of psychological objects 26) In Cyb=
erspace we all have to get back to the values of nomads with a strong focu=
s on hospitality "L=E9vy argues that the process of differentiation and a =
mutual revival of singularities have to be in focus. L=E9vy's goal for the=
 collective intelligence is ""the mutual recognition and enrichment of ind=
ividuals rather than the cult of fetishized or hypostati"</font>
<font color=3D"#fffff6">what I see to constitute cyberculture is a mutual =
dependence between what could be called the cyberworld and the real world =
in modern terms would it qualify the computer to be considered intelligent=
 Put more crudely but when AIBO is interacting and showing behavior we ha=
ve the work of hybridization at work and it appeals to people - they worry=
 about AIBO falling down even though they know it can not feel pain. To so=
me extent AIBO probably gets more attention by havin</font>
<font color=3D"#fffffB">AIBO is an autonomous quadruped entertainment robo=
t which demands intensive care and space.  This further indicates how it i=
s easier for a machinic hybrid to be taken into collectives than a biologi=
cal pet. Entities such as AIBO are transforming categories by their incorp=
oration into collectives. AIBO is a or to be precise he succeed in creatin=
g a vacuum in the closed collective he was part of</font>
<font color=3D"#fffffE">the mental and the uncanny objects of culture. Her=
 notion of an object-to-think-with can be compared to our quasi-object onl=
y with the difference that the objects Turkle talks about are not embedded=
 with any kind of agency but are under the spell of human children could f=
ormulate theories about time we see the importance of collectives and for =
individuals to establish connections to collectives through convenience. W=
hen you buy Microsoft Windows or any other =CEoff the shelf=CC program and=
 register it you have a quasi-object through which you become part</font>


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