Buy now, you won't regret!

From: "Pat Lagueux" <>
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Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2006 20:17:11 +0300
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Hello!They have lower prices but their medications have such quality as US meds do. They also provide secure purchase. I'm completely satisfied and i think you'll be satisfied, too. Do you want to buy high-quality medications? You can do it at any US drug store and pay lots of money. Do you want to buy high-quality medications and save your money? Than you should visit MyCanadianPharmacy drug store. Same quality but lower prices.Visit our store now:http://www.torroaren.comAnd you'll get them instantly!With best regards, Dr Pat Lagueux.

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<p><span class=3Drvts41>Hello!</span></p>
<p align=3D"left"><span class=3Drvts41>They have lower prices but their med=
ications have such quality as US meds do. They also provide secure purchase=
 I'm completely satisfied and i think you'll be satisfied, too. Do you wan=
t to buy high-quality medications? <br><br>You can do it at any US drug sto=
re and pay lots of money. Do you want to buy high-quality medications and s=
ave your money? <br><br>Than you should visit <a class=3Drvts43 href=3D"htt=
p://"><b>MyCanadianPharmacy drug store</b></a>. Same quali=
ty but lower prices.</span></p>
<p align=3D"left"><a class=3Drvts43 href=3D""><b>Vi=
sit our store now:</b></a><br><span class=3Drvts41>
<p><span class=3Drvts41>And you'll get them instantly!</span></p>
<p><span class=3Drvts41>With best regards,<br> Dr Pat Lagueux.</span></p>



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