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M4C Home Page


The Group

Men for Change formed in the aftermath of the tragic killing of women engineering students in Montreal in 1989 by a man who singled out his victims because they were "a bunch of feminists." Since then, the group has been meeting regularly to better understand the controlling behavior and violence that all too often characterize male-female relationships in our society. From its inception we have focused on becoming more aware of the pitfalls of traditional "male culture", how the assumptions and values of this limited version of masculinity adversely affect the lives of all men.

About Male Culture...
"It's not only that men have used violence to maintain power and control over women, children and other men. Men have learned to think of power as our ability to dominate and control the world, the people around us, and our own unruly emotions...we learn that to be a man means having some sort of power and control. Most men are not violent, but most of us feel we have to perform and be on top at least somewhere in our lives." - Michael Kaufman, Cracking the Armour

Men For Change is a pro-feminist organization dedicated to promoting gender equality and ending sexism and violence. We believe that the information and links we offer are of value to all those who desire to end men's violence.

There are many men's movements scattered across the social change landscape. To clarify this diversity, or at least have a general framework, you may be interested in reading David Throop's Summary of the 5 types of men's movements.  

The Organization

bulletMission Statement and Core Values
bulletOpen Meeting Schedules
bulletResearch Interviews with Men in the Group

Other Activities by Men For Change

bulletParticipating in a three part series with the Halifax City Regional Library entitled, "Changing Men".
bulletLobbying for funding to Project New Start, and other programs that counsel men who batter women.
bulletSpeaking out in the media with our perspective on violence and sexism.
bulletSharing our struggle and vision with others in public schools, universities, community organizations and at public events.
bulletDeveloping a violence prevention curriculum for Junior High school students in cooperation with the Halifax County-Bedford District School Board.

Other Men Changing

Please see our Other Men Changing page for links to sites that inspire change in men on both the personal and political landscapes.


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