
Ultreya is the monthly gathering of people who have attended a Cursillo Weekend. Ultreya is a Spanish word which means "Keep on Going!" or "Onward." The theme for all Ultreyas is "transforming the world for Christ."

Rather than being Cursillo centered, the Ultreya is Christ centered and concentrates on Jesus working within each of us to bring the world to Him.

Almighty and everlasting God, who fulfilled the promises of Easter by sending us your Holy Spirit and opening to every race and nation the way of life eternal, keep us in the unity of your Spirit, that every tongue may tell of your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

2018 Metro Ultreyas & Events ** NOTE TIME CHANGE **

Date Event Time Location
Tues., Jan. 9 Ultreya
(Annual Meeting)
7:00 PM St. Margaret of Scotland, Halifax
Tues., Feb. 13 Ultreya 7:00 PM St James at the Rotary, Halifax
Tues., Mar. 13 Ultreya 7:00 PM St. John's, Westphal
Tues., Apr. 10 Ultreya 7:00 PM Christ Church, Dartmouth
Tues., May 8 Ultreya 7:00 PM

St. Francis by the Lakes, Lr Sackville

Tues., Jun. 12 Ultreya 7:00 PM St. Luke's, Dartmouth
Tues., Jul. 10 Ultreya 7:00 PM

St. Timothy, Hatchet Lake

Tues., Aug. 14 Ultreya 7:00 PM

St. Peter's, Eastern Passage

Tues., Sept. 11 Ultreya 7:00 PM St. Nicholas, Upper Tantallon
Tues., Oct. 9 Ultreya 7:00 PM

Emmanuel, Spyfield

Tues., Nov. 13 Ultreya 7:00 PM Church of Saint Andrew, Cole harbour
Tues., Dec. 11 Ultreya
(Christmas Gathering)
Metro, Valley and South Shore
7:00 PM All Saints, Bedford

*CLOSED = no guests for this occasion.

2018 Non-Metro Ultreyas







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