From T.B. Nickerson 10 March 1989

Testimonial written for the Science and Technology Agency of Japan and for the Canadian NSERC selection committee for the STA fellowship program.

Dr. McKay has worked at this organization since 1973 in Applied Research and Development with particular reference to the acoustic properties of marine sediments, but also more general application of seismic and other geophysical techniques to geotechnical and mineral studies.

As an immigrant to Canada from Great Britain, Dr. McKay has demonstrated his ability to overcome personal and other problems associated with relocation to a different country. In his work at this organization Dr. McKay has maintained a high standard and developed a considerable breadth of interest in fields outside his own.

I commend Dr. McKay to your consideration for sponsorship for a Japan Science and Technology Agency Fellowship.

Yours sincerely,

T.B. Nickerson, P.Eng.

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