John, Brenda, and family

Our son, daughter in law and first grandchildren,
Present address, Sanich - part of greater Victoria, B.C.

Part of the "expanding family" on Dysart Road, Victoria area, was temporary when Nancy and I visited two years ago to help welcome their new daughter, Emma. We returned to our Nova Scotia home after the first two months and the 'family in residence' size was again a better fit.

The permanent addition was Emma Claire, now going on two and a half years old, who will be with them at least until she grows up and becomes self-sufficient.

The most recent additions were A./ Brenda'a mother, Norma, when she came for a few weeks to help welcome B./ Aidan John - the new permanent resident and little brother to Emma.

More pictures of Emma Claire Fullerton will be here as soon as possible.
We have so many, and she is so enchanting, that it is hard to choose.

Emma at Fletcher's Lake
Emma Claire, while visiting us last July, one year and eight months old.

Aidan John Fullerton is featured on a separate page,
as Emma will be in the near future when more photos are added.

Lots more pictures and stories on the way!

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