
Some Links to Other Places; Books and Stamps...


If there is a blind child in the family (or a blind parent who wishes to read to his or her child) you might be interested in visiting the site of Seedlings Braille Books for Children [NEW ADDRESS!] and find out what they have available. (Their T-shirts are hilarious.)


Braille-Books.com also carries a selection of children's books in braille -- as well as books for adults.

National Braille Press:

Another source for braille books -- including children's books -- is the National Braille Press.

Family Village:

If you are looking for books about disabilities or books for the disabled you might want to visit the Family Village Book Store.

Nova Scotia Provincial Library.:

One thing they have is a handy pocket-sized Internet address booklet to keep your favourite Internet addresses in for two dollars (tax included). It has pages preprinted for E-mail, FTP sites, Web sites, and more.

Roswell Computer Books.

I feel like a child in a candy store every time I visit this store, his stock is so extensive. Note that there is now only one e-mail address for both inquiries and orders and that his web-site address has changed. You don't have to live in Halifax to shop here. You don't even have to live in Nova Scotia. In fact, you don't even have to live in Canada. He ships all over the world. If extra-terrestrials placed an order, he would probably accept it if they could pay in Canadian dollars and he could find a shipping company with interplanetary service.

[NEW!] Note that this site is NOW accessable to lynx users. The URL above used to redirect to a secure site with an "https://..." URL which required installing an add-on to lynx. It no longer does so. However, orders must currently be placed by telephone, by email, or by going to the store. The secure ordering forms for his new web site have not yet been completed. Scratch that. The site has been changed again and the splash screen now reached with the URL above now has a single hyperlink with an "https" URL. You can bypass it by using the same address that the splash page hyperlink has except with "http" instead of "https".

Macmillan Computer Publishing.

Stamp-collecting or Science Fiction.

"Philately will get you nowhere." -- Dilbert.

These people got me started collecting stamps. I got a matched pair of stamps from a former soviet republic with Marx and Lennon on them. NO, that's NOT a spelling error. The stamps feature Groucho Marx and John Lennon! They also have a huge selection of new and used science-‌fiction books.

Seaside Book & Stamp [new address, March 21, 2003].

National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.

Information on books in Braille and recordings for the blind can be found at http://lcweb.loc.gov/nls/nls.html.

Project Gutenberg:

Thousands of public-domain classics just a keypress (OK, a few keypresses) away.

Visit the Project Gutenberg site [NEW URL] and get access to thousands of works of literature. Some of the classics I grew up with are:
  [list currently unavailable until I can
  look them up at the new Project Gutenberg site]

TOR [fantasy and SF] Books.

Their old address: http://sunsite.unc.edu/ibic/Tor-homepage.html is no longer valid. They have moved to: http://www.tor.com/.

If THE link above does not work, try

They also have links to SOME other publishers.

Del Rey Books.

Del Rey Books by Randomhouse is the first book company that I have noticed that now prints their web site address on the copyright page of their books. It is "http://www.randomhouse.com".

Warner Books.

An Aspect Fantasy book (a subdivision of Warner Books) is the second book I have seen that has a web site printed on their book. You can find them at: http://pathfinder.com/twep/.

Berkley Publishing.

including Ace Paperbacks.

They have three web addresses listed in the latest (at the time of my writing this) of their Ace paperbacks that I got. In the front of the book, they list http://www.berkley.com/berkley as the Putnam Berkley WWW address. In the back of the same book, they list http://www.putnam.com/berkley as the address for Putnam Berkley Online. And in both the front and the back, they list http://www.pbplug.com as the address for PB Plug, their science fiction/fantasy newsletter.

C. J. Cherryh.

My favourite science-fiction author now has her own home page.

Robert J. Sawyer.

I met Robert J. Sawyer, Canada's only native-born full time science fiction writer, at a science fiction convention in Halifax and found him to be a very sociable person. I have enjoyed his books also. Why not drop in to his site to see what's new? By the way, his web site has moved again so, if you visited him before at "http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/sawyer" or at "http://www.sff.net/people/sawyer/" then bookmark his new address above. He promises that his site will stay put from now on. Note, if you read his novel _Frameshift_ and want more information on the genetics described in the book you might be interested in reading the article "DNA Microsatellites: Agents of Evolution?" on pages 94 to 99 of the January 1999 issue of _Scientific_American_. More information on Huntington's Disease and its terrible effects can be found at the Huntington's Disease Society of America [NEW URL] web site.

Online References.

Time and Date:


Foreign Languages.

The English Reference Bookshelf.

Other Dictionaries:

Search Engines:

Everybody and his hamster seems to have a link somewhere on their site pointing to their favourite search engine. Unfortunatly, many of the search engines have forms which can be difficult for the blind to use. At CAMERA OBSCURA something has been done about the problem. On that site you can find a page of Speech Friendly Search Forms for some of most popular search engines.



I am not a Christian BUT many people visiting my site will be -- so, for them, here is:

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