Whisper of your Memory

Tell me why is it that no matter
where I am in this world,
No matter what I may be doing,
A whisper of your memory will
fill always my soul....?

It happens unexpectedly,
It never ceases to take
me by surprise. I may be
out walking on a moonlit
night under the haven
of the stars....

I will look up into the
magnificent miracle above
me I will think of you.
I will think of all of the
moments I had longed to
share the beauty of the
night with you....

How long has it been since
we shared our distant intimacy?
The touching of hearts,
the intermingling of souls....

Souls that rendezvoused under
the veil of darkness. Traveling
the distance of the Universe.
Reaching through Eternity to
touch if only
for a moment in time....

I loved you more than
life itself. You were a rare,
precious gift in my life.
I search my soul, Still I
find you there, reflected in
its tear misted depths....

Neither of us innocent in the crimes
of the heart. Each holding a part of
themselves in secret. Hiding behind
the masks of illusion, too caught up
in the Masquerade....?

Love was so honest for you,
its purity so intense.
Not easier for you to hide.
Will you want to just let go...?

I on the other hand will be left
behind. Alone to travel on
the wind of distant memories.
Set adrift to sail the disastrous
ocean of broken dreams....

You my love are forever
in my heart and soul. You
dwell in the depths of
precious memories. The image
of your love forever emblazoned
upon my soul. Like an endless Symphonie!

I will wait eternity to gaze
into the reflection of your soul.
Until the last grains of the sands
of time are swept off into the
winds of the infinite....

I will wander the desolate
night on a crescendo of
melancholy. Awaiting the
precious moment our souls
will once again dance as one,
in the sublime ballet of Life...
If only for a ephemeral flash...

website edited jan/1996/ updated/2000/01/02/03/04/

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