Randy's list of Atari Junk: Right now I would really like to find an Atari trac-ball(CX22). I have one but its on the fritz. Titles I would like to locate: Challenge (?) Dragon Treasure (?) Bootleg version of Dragonfire? PinBall (?) Scuba Dirver (?) Time Warp (?) Dragster (Activision eag-001) Skiing (Activision ag005) Tennis (Activision ag007) Laser Blast (Activision ag008) Freeway (Activision ag009) Stampede (Activision ag011) Sky Jinks (Activision ag019) Barnstorming (Activision ax013) Ice Hockey (Activision ax012) Grand Prix (Activision ax014) Chopper Command (Activision ax015) Star Master (Activision ax016) Megamania (Activision ax017) Pitfall! (Activision eax018) Spider Fighter (Activision ax021) Seaquest (Activision ax022) Oink! (Activision ax023) Dolphin (activision ax024 Enduro (Acticision az026) Plaque Attack (Activision ax027) Crackpots (Activision ax029) Frostbite (Activision ax031) Space Shuttle (Activision az033) Pitfall II (Activision) Robot Tank (Activision baz028) Infiltrate (Apollo) Raquetball (Apollo) Space Cavern (Apollo) Combat (Atari cx2601) w/box & instructions Air-Sea Battle (Atari cx2602) Space War (Atark cx2604) Outlaw (Atari cx2605) Slot Racers (Atari cx2606) Super Breakout (Atari cx2608) Defender (Atari cx2609) w/box Warlords (Atari cx2610) Indy 500 (Atari cx2611) Indy 500 (Atari cx2611) text label, #11 Street Racer (Atari cx2612) text label Street Racer (Atari cx2612) grahpic label Adventure (Atari cx2613) Text Label Adventure (Atari cx2613) Pele's Soccer (Atari cx2616) Backgammon (Atari cx2617) Video Olympics (Atari cx2621) text label graphic label Breakout (Atari cx2622) Breakout (Atari cx2622) orange label Home Run (Atari cx2623) Basketball (Atari cx2624 Football (Atari cx2625) text label(yellow) Football (Atari cx2625) text label(green) Miniature Golf (ATari cx2626) Bowling (Atari cx2628) Circus Atari (Atari cx2630) Space Invaders (Atari cx2632) text label Space Invaders (Atari cx2632) graphic label Night driver (Atari cx2633) Golf (Atari cx2634) text label MazeCraze (Atari cx2635) Video Checkers (Atari cx2636) Dodge 'em (Atari cx2637) Missile Command (Atari cx2638) w/box RealSports Baseball (Atari cx2640) Hunt and Score (Atari cx2642) Pac-Man (Atari cx2646) Asteroids (Atari cx2649) w/box Berzerk (Atari cx2650) Blackjack (Atari cx2651) Haunted House (Atari cx2654) Yar's Revenge (Atari cx2655) w/box Swordquest Earthworld (Atari cx2656) Swordquest Fireworld (Atari cx2657) Math Grand Prix (Atari cx2658) Raiders of the Lost Ark (Atari cx2659) Star Raiders w/control (Atari cx2660) Brain Games (Atari cx2664) RealSports Volleyball (Atari cx2666) RealSports Football (Atari cx2668) Vanguard (Atari cx2669) Phoenix (Atari cx2673) ET (Atari cx2674) w/box Pole Position (Atari cx???) Ms.Pac-Man (Atari cx2675) Centipede (Atari cx2676) DigDug (Atari cx2677) Battlezone (Atari cx2681) Galaxian (Atari cx2684) Jungle Hunt (Atari cx2688) Kangaroo (Atari cx2689) Joust (Atari cx2691) Mario Bros. (Atari cx2697) Oscar's Trash Race (Atari cx26101) w/Box & Instructions Cookie Monster Crunch (Atari cx26102) w/Box & Instructions Alpha Beam with Ernie (Atari cx26103) w/Box & Instructions Big Bird's Egg Catch (Atari cx26104) w/Box & Instructions Millipede (Atari cx26118) Solaris (Atari cx26136) Crossbow (Atari cx26139) DonkeyKong (Atari cx26143) Donkey Kong Junior (Atari cx26144) Q*Bert (Atari cx26150) Mario Bros. Gorf (CBS) Carnival (Coleco) Donkey Kong (Coleco) Mouse Trap (Coleco) Smurf (Coleco) Smurfs Save the Day (Coleco) Venture (Coleco) Zaxxon (Coleco) Journey Escape (Data Age) M*A*S*H (Fox) Cosmic Ark (Imagic) Demon Attack (Imagic) Riddle of the Sphinx (Imagic) Trick Shot (Imagic) Adventures of Tron (Mattel) Adventures of Tron (Mattel) original shrinkwrapping Armor Ambush (Mattel) Astroblast (Mattel) Space Attack (Mattel) Superchallenge Baseball (Mattel) Superchallenge Football (Mattel) Tron (Mattel) Tron Deadly Disks (Mattel) Frogger (Parker Brothers) Gyruss (Parker Brothers) Popeye (Parker Brothers) Q*Bert (Parker Brothers) Reactor (Parker Brothers) Star Wars:Empire Strikes Back (Parker Brothers) Tutankham (Parker Brothers) Tac-Scan (Sega) DragonStomper (Starpath SuperCharger) Fireball (Starpath SuperCharger) Phaser Patrol (Starpath SuperCharger) Towering Inferno (US Games) Word Zapper (US Games) Space Jockey (Vidtec) Spike's Peak/Ghost Manor (xonox) Football (?) "(C)I.I. 1982 Korea"? Frontline (?) ************************************************************************** Atari 8 Bit Computer Stuff... My first actual computer was an Atari 600xl and a cassette recorder. After upgrading it to 64k, adding an Indus GT Drive, and getting AtariWriter(later replaced with Atariwriter Plus) I was essentially set for life. I actually used it through four years of university(this was when '386s were big ok?) though in the last year the pins on the XMM801 printer made for some pretty lame copy at times. Here's what I've managed to 'gather' over the years. I don't consider it collecting because usually when you collect stuff it has some value. Atari stuff usually comes your way when someone is cleaning their attic and leaves it in a pile at the end of the driveway. *************************************************************************** 600xl with 64k internal upgrade 800xl with homemade 256k upgrade 800xl 130xe/wbox 65xe Indus GT drive XF551 Drive 1010Cassette Recorder x 2 1050 Drive x 3? 4? and one mangled box XMM801 Printer 1025 printer w/box&inst. Various stuff on disk. Carts consist of Miner 2029er x 2 Bounty Bob Strikes Back Q*Bert Movie Musical Madness Pastfinder CXL4006 SuperBreakout CXL4009 Chess CXL4011 Star Raiders CXL4012 Missile Command CXL4020 Centipede CXL4022 Pac-Man CXL4024 Galaxian CXL4025 Defender CXL4027 QIX RX8026 Dig Dug RX8034 Pole Position x 2 RX8036 Atariwriter RX8039 Eastern Front RX8044 Joust RX8049 Jungle Hunt RX8067 Final Legacy x2 RX8101 Dark Chambers ****************************************************************************** I recently scored a Colecovision with a)Turbo steering wheel & pedal b)2 Super controllers and the following games... Buck Rogers Cosmic Avenger Donkey Kong Donkey Kong jr. Ken Uston Blackjack/Poker Dukes of Hazzard Frenzy Looping Mouse Trap mr.Do Rocky Smurf Space Fury Space Panic Super Action Baseball Time Pilot Turbo Venture Zaxxon The Heist Pitfall! Galaxian Q*bert ****************************************************************************** Recently found the following Atari 7800 games. If you have a 7800 Game system you don't want, let me know... Joust Pole Position 2 Hat Trick Baseball w/Box&Instructions Desert Falcon w/Box&Instructions. ****************************************************************************** As much as I hate Intellevision you can't really pass up on a game system that costs 5 bucks. What I have so far... Original Brown&Gold Intellevision. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons w/box/inst/overlays Astrosmash Backgammon w/box/inst/overlays Baseball w/box/inst/overlays Basketball w/box/inst/overlays B-17 Bomber Boxing w/box/inst/overlays Golf w/box/inst/overlays Hockey w/box/inst/overlays Horse Racing Las Vegas Poker&Blackjack w/box/inst/overlays lock 'n' chase w/box/inst/overlays Locomotion w/box/inst/overlays Mission-X w/box/inst/overlays NFL Football Night Stalker w/box/inst/overlays Reversi w/box/inst Royal Dealer w/box/inst/overlays Skiing Star Strike w/box/inst/overlays Tennis w/box/inst/overlays Triple Action w/box/inst/overlays Tron Maze-A-Tron Trone Deadly Disks w/inst Atlantis w/box/inst/overlays Supercobra Burgertime w/box/inst/overlays Pitfall