July 9, 1999


Hello Family:

This is Alberto wishing all of you wonderful members of the New Leslie Gang the best of life and hoping that you are as excited as Zulema, our daughter Zulema Jr., and our grandaughter Daniela (3) to attend this one of a kind event.

On behalf of Zulema, we send you all our love and she wants me to remind you of certain things that you must not forget before you leave. Some will drive down, others will drive up, others will come from the sides, and also fly in from all over the good old USA, Canada, and Mexico. So please take note since this will be the last communication, unless something drastic happens which we know it will not happen...God willing.

1- Pack your goodies lightly, and do not forget reading glasses, swim wear (there will be a surprise at the indoor pool). It will be warm and humid, but do not worry and keep your attitude up there. Just be prepared. Cameras, camcorders, pens for the autographs, and the rest of that needed stuff like tooth brushes and shoes etc,.... we think that you will handle those items perfectly. Remember the attire for the banquet, and most important the gift per person according to gender all nicely wrapped for those attending the Farewell Banquet.

2- We are making arrangements to try to welcome you at the Airport through a special service, but we have not received confirmation from the company, so if you change your airplane itinerary please let us know. Be in the look out when you arrive for somebody with a sign or something as you disembark or arrive at the Baggage Claim. We have free shuttle to the Radisson Hotel St. Louis Airport.

3- The Family tree albums will be arriving directly at the Hotel, so there is no way to make any changes, additions etc. Do not forget to bring your envelope which will cover the expenses in cash of those items that you ordered. Tee. shirts, tickets to Ga me, tours, Banquet and Hospitality Room.

4- As you arrive, request information about the Reunion at the front desk and go to the Hospitality room where the fun and happy faces will be at their maximum.

Please remember that we will leave this coming Monday to make all the arrangements in St. Louis, so drive very carefully, pack all your goodies, fill all the empty spaces with lots of love, and have a very pleasant trip....We will see you there....

Alberto and Zulema