Chebucto Community Net
Board Minutes
Thursday 14 October 1999


Start 6:35 P.M., Adjourned 8:50 P.M.

  • David Murdoch (Chair)
  • Leo J. Deveau
  • Doug McCann
  • Krista Olmstead
  • Andrew D. Wright

          Regrets: Michael Colborne, Bernie Hart, Joyline Makani, Sharon Parker.



          Minutes of previous meeting were adopted as read.
Motion: Krista, Second: Andrew, CARRIED


Business Arising From Minutes

          Andrew pointed out that the CCN site pages with references to Sue Newhook as Director should be modified.
ACTION: David and Andrew

          It was noted that CCN files at Joint Stocks are also outdated. David suggested that the Joint Stocks updates be put on hold until after new replacement board members are in place.

          Andrew enquired when we could expect a description of board member duties. Leo has files from Richard which may contain such information.
ACTION: Leo to bring appropriate files to next meeting.

          Doug inquired as to status of commercial accounting software to resolve financial reporting problems. Leo has nothing to report.


Executive Director's Report

Word on the Street

          A great success. Andrew and the computer assigned to administrative functions completed the equivalent of a whole weeks work during the event. It was proposed that CCN participate next year, and as an idea extending from digital camera experiment, that CCN host a country-wide Web Cast of the event. It was also suggested that CCN make a donation to WOTS. Final costs for participating are not available as yet.

Library Branch Managers

          Michael setup a meeting which Leo attended. They are supportive of CCN's efforts. They were provided with a supply of the new CCN brochure.


          There have been some problems with VolNet advertising (Herald). Metro United Way and the Voluntary Resource Centre have been supplied with CCN brochures. VolNet is searching for a co-ordinator for the next phase of the project. A mail-out to a list of prospects. The Federal government assessment report has been moved up - due 2nd week in November. Stage 2 delivery by next June.

          David was concerned that we may become oversubscribed in the urban core to the detriment of the rural areas. Leo indicated that there were 55 groups identified in the county.

          David inquired when the co-ordinator position would be posted. It was suggested that it become a 'message of the day' on CCN so members will be aware of the opportunity.


          There are continuing focus group meetings with health and other sectors. TSS appears to be accelerating their Lighthouse Project. Some concern expressed that CCN may be pre-empted by this initiative - that CCN may end up just tagging along.

          David inquired about who is identifying focus group participants. He is concerned that a quota system is driving the TSS agenda of rapid expansion - that they (TSS) must be confronted so that participants don't just get signed up, then not serviced afterwards.

          TSS initiative - Information Economy Initiative (IEI) is moving out of computers for schools into community access.

          Leo suggested that CCN should look into hosting an UrbanCAP site.

Financial Statements

          Contrary to the specific request for the presentation of proper financial reports to the board, these are not available. Difficulties with the current system was offered as the reason. A discussion on how to get this matter resolved took place.

          Doug pointed out that he has requested proper financial statements in each of the board meetings over the last six months, but has not seen anything satisfactory. Given that there are only three more board meetings before a new budget is to be tabled, that it is imperative that they be produced. He also indicated that he cannot vote on any money matters until the situation is resolved.

          ACTION: Leo is discuss the following with Sharon:

  1. possibility of guidance/assistance from an accountant/bookkeeper
  2. purchase of accounting software
  3. Sharon to advise on procedures
  4. Financial Statements will be produced for next meeting

Canadian World Youth Interns

          Leo and David gave a presentation to this group - all about CCN. Two, funded by Canada World Youth, will be coming on board in January for 12 weeks. They are currently going to Russia, and will return with their Russian counterparts. Leo hopes to employ them in IP web site updates. Languages involved are English, French and Russian. May also be able to employ bodies with VolNet and UrbanCAP.

Fund Raising

          Leo suggested that we should have a fund raising campaign in November. Ideas for phone, email or other style campaign requested. David suggested that any campaign should focus on strengthening membership ties.

Office Procedures

          Michael Smith made the required changes to handle Virtual Domain Name fees. David pointed out that proper protocols must be followed (they were not in this instance) for implementing or changing procedures - that groups like Tech Committee must be involved/consulted.

          It was suggested that the Membership Committee meet to resolve issues of account suspension, etc.
ACTION: Membership Committee meeting scheduled for Thursday 21 October, 6:30, site TBA.

          We have a new volunteer in the office. He (Scott Cameron) comes in 1 or 2 days per week. He is currently culling and re-organizing paper files.
ACTION: David to set up a shell account for him.


IP Committee

          Nothing to report.


Volunteer Committee

          Most volunteers are assigned to the various technical groups

          David suggested that the committee structure requires a stronger focus. Members will be more committed if the are provided responsibilities such as vice-chair, secretary, project chairs, etc. There is value to job titles and members can benefit from references and resume entries.

          Krista indicated that she has quietly been writing up some of these suggestions -creating job descriptions, duty lists.


Chair Report

Youth Employment Project

          David will be responding to Youth Employment Project. Andrew expressed concerns about the program. David indicated that the project is a good fit for CCN, because it is the type of community service that CCN does. Leo suggested that while there are always risks, that we proceed one step at a time. The deadline for a proposal is this Sunday.
ACTION: David will submit a proposal.


          Meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.


Next Meeting

          Next meeting November 2, 1999, site TBA

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