March 21

Date: Mon, 15 May 1995 17:03:32 -0300
From: Kevin Alexander James Nugent
To: board-minutes

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Metro Community Access Network Society
Board of directors meeting
Thursday March 23, 1995

Attending:  Kevin N., Joan M., Dave To., David M., David Tr., Joan BH., 
Laura J., Renee D., Peter H.

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.

20K have been paid us by the government to date.  Another 20K are 
pending for the new computer.  2.5K will be spend on an office pc.  600 
will be spent on the VIA station. And 3K will go to the fundraising 

Dave To. gave a short financial report and cashflow projection.  The 
income statement for February was showed at Joan BH's request.

John Fanning. has told us that we need only worry about incurring the 
actual expense before March 31, not billing the government.

Joan BH asked if we should take an official look at doing business with 
the Credit Union Atlantic. This will go on the todo list for May.

Logo:  Peter H. showed 2 proofs.  Comments were made.  Bernie H. moved 
and Laura J. seconded  that we give Peter and Joan M. authority to make 
the logo choice.  Motion was passed.

Ross P arrived and gave his final report on the fundraising plan/strategy.
The main fact is that our figures are our main selling point.  He states 
that given a proper presentation we will be "fighting off the suitors" in 
our search for sponsorship.  He also stated that cost recovery is a 
necessity in the long run.  Various choices were then discussed on this point.

Laura J. suggested that we all read over the report and ID what will be 
policy issues and what are not.  Then we can priorize the ideas for 

Ross P. stated that as costs shift from hardware growth to elsewhere the 
focus may be better placed on the society rather than the 'freenet'.

Food trays for the event would cost about 2K  from Sobeys.  Some other 
possibilities for catering were discussed.  It was decided that we would 
get a caterer and hope that the Net at the end of the day is in our favor.

Entertainment:  Fiddlers and a piper are booked.  The jugglers haven't 
committed yet.  It was decided to approach some local buskers about doing 
a short session.  The subject of door prizes was briefly discussed.

Press Conference:  A presskit including the video(ideally), a stat 
sheet, Chebucto Suite info, the new logo, Info Rights week info, the Stan 
S flyer, a sponsor list, IP list and list of board members will be 
handed out.  We will push the fact that we are at the leading edge.  Who 
do we call from the media?  Several names were mentioned:  Bill Power, 
Paul Schneidereit, The Dal Gazette, the Kings paper, The Daily News 
online editor.  A map of the campus will be included with the press

Major sponsors must be invited to the conference..  A shortlist of IP's 
must be there.  The agenda will be as as follows:
Intro Sponsors and IP's
Short Demo by David.


Kevin Alexander James Nugent,
Board member, Metro [Halifax] Community Access Network Society.
Board member, Telecommunaute's Canada/Telecommunities Canada.
Chebucto Community Net running Chebucto Suite.

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