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The Men for Change Vision


Men For Change will be recognized and respected throughout Nova Scotia, across Canada and internationally for our work in supporting men and youth to transform violent culture by ending all forms of oppression and by promoting healthy and peaceful relationships.


To create a healthy society by promoting and inspiring connection, inclusiveness and non-violence in all relationships.


Men For Change is guided by the following core values.  They influence our conduct individually and as an organization.  As members of a community we strive to have our actions reflect these values.

  1. We are male positive, pro-feminist, anti-racist and gay affirmative.
  2. We encourage men in their personal growth, healing and inner work as a way of fostering healthy models and contributing to better relationships with self, others and the community.
  3. We promote men’s leadership and work as allies with others in challenging all forms of oppression in our lives, our families and our communities.
  4. We support and reflect the values of equality, diversity, nonviolence, healthy spiritual connectedness and ecological soundness.
  5. We are a visible and inspiring presence through our service in the community.


Our programs provide safe spaces in which to explore and demonstrate integrity, responsibility and compassion while simultaneously confronting men’s learned patterns of personal and societal violence and abuse toward women, children and other men.

Personal Growth

bulletHost free, faciliated, confidential  monthly drop-in support groups
bulletHost leaderless bimonthly support groups
bulletOffer quarterly Solstice and Equinox farm weekends
bulletCo-organize bi-annual theme weekend retreats
bulletHost other events to promote connection

 Political Outreach

bulletPublish Healthy Relationships Curriculum
bulletFacilitate professional development and training
bulletPresent workshops with youth and educators
bulletProvide speakers at public events
bulletOffer a voice for change through the media
bulletMaintain web site www.m4c.ns.ca/men
bulletAdvocate for political change

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