Announcing the "G-7 Waste Zero" Program

[HSO]Halifax April 12, 1995 -- The Halifax Summit Office (HSO) reaffirmed its commitment to hosting a green summit today. In conjunction with Trade Centre Ltd., HSO unveiled its "G-7 Waste Zero" program. This pilot program will divert 85% of potential waste materials generated at the Media Centre and special events sites during the G-7 from being sent to a landfill.

[HSO]"This is a very ambitious program," says Malcolm McKechnie, spokesperson for the Halifax Summit Office. "Hopefully it will serve as a model for other potential waste generating events of this magnitude. The Halifax Summit hopes to leave as its legacy the introduction of new ideas designed to ensure Canadians continue to enjoy a healthy and safe environment."

[HSO]"We are very proud to be playing a lead role in this program," adds Fred McGillivray, President and CEO of Trade Centre Ltd. "If successful, this project can be used as a benchmark for other large scale events. By greening an event as big as the Summit, we are in effect demonstrating the ease and economic sense for other businesses doing the same." The "Waste Zero" program is a four stream collection program. The daily waste of all Summit sites will be separated into dry recyclable materials and fibres, organic matter, and specialty waste and residue. When everything is sorted, the organic waste and fibre will be transported to a composting facility and the dry recyclables to Metro's recycling depot. As a result, a minimum of waste will head to the landfill site.

[HSO]Earth Cycle Opportunities Society has been awarded the waste diversion contract. It will design and implement a source separation program, as well as ensure the dry recyclables program is in place.

[HSO]"The 'Waste Zero' program is just the first step in our efforts toward greening the Halifax Summit," says Martin Janowitz, chairman of the G-7 Civic Environmental Committee. "Other initiatives to ensure that the Summit is a positive environmental model for others to adopt, will be launched in the coming weeks." The Summit is a gathering of leaders from the seven largest industrialized nations as well as representatives of the European Union and the Russian Federation. The event will take place in Halifax from June 15-17, 1995.

[HSO]For more information contact:

Malcolm McKechnie
Halifax Summit Spokesperson
(902) 473-7117
Marie-France LeBlanc
Halifax Summit Media Relations
(902) 473-7084

[HSO] Index of News Releases