Students Urged to Explore Summit Issues

Halifax, April 3, 1995 - The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade released a booklet today that is designed to spark discussion among secondary school students and encourage them to bring forward recommendations on various issues on the agenda of the Leaders attending the Halifax Summit.

The document was launched at Rockingham School in Halifax where students are gearing up for the first Halifax Student Summit in May. Geoff Regan, MP for Halifax West, was on hand to field questions from the junior delegates in Mr. Richard Baker's grade 7 class. " The Student Summit is a great opportunity for students to work together to explore and respond to serious global concerns," said Mr. Regan. I wish the G-7 leaders were here today and had the chance to see these issues through the eyes of these young people.

The Government of Canada has been urging students to organize their own summits and to examine issues such as sustainable development with good jobs, economic growth and expanded trade. In his introduction to the booklet, Prime Minister Jean Chr#tien notes, "Summits are of special importance to young Canadians. They do not always produce solutions to specific problems. However, they do present a golden opportunity for setting forces in motion that will have a positive impact on the future - a future in which the youth of today will live. In a global economy it's important to pinpoint the problems that face the world. Identifying them and how Canada fits in is the work of this summit."

In this vein students are encouraged to meet with their local MPs and Chamber of Commerce members and to send proposals and communiqu#s to the Honourable Roy MacLaren, Minister of International Trade.

"Summit participation is a key element of Canada's foreign policy," added Len Edwards, executive director of the Halifax Summit Office. "Over the twenty-one year history of the Summit, we have witnessed a broadening of the agenda from economic issues to political concerns like nuclear safety, the environment and organized crime. Through dialogue the leaders of the participating nations hope to contribute to the building of a more secure and economically strong global marketplace. We hope that hosting the Summit will serve to spark interest among the next generation of Canadians in world issues."

The 26-page booklet entitled "Canada In Action" is being distributed to schools throughout Nova Scotia and Canada. It provides an historical overview of Summits and Canada's involvement, as well as background data on countries participating in the Halifax Summit. A study guideline is also included for the benefit of teachers and students.

The booklet was produced by the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Copies may be obtained free of charge from:

The Halifax Summit Office          Department of Foreign Affairs
1505 Barrington Street                   Canada - InfoCenter (SKI) 
16th Floor, Maritime Center        125 Sussex Drive
Halifax, Nova Scotia               Ottawa, Ontario
B3J 3K5                       K1A 0G2  

Telephone: (902) 473-7890          Telephone: 1-800-267-8376
Facsimile:(902) 473-8989           Facsimile: (613) 944-4500

The Summit is a gathering of leaders from the seven largest industrialized nations as well as representatives of the European Union and the Russian Federation. The event will take place in Halifax from June 15-17, 1995.

For more information contact:

Halifax Summit Media Relations
Angela Surrette
(902) 473-7119

Marie-France LeBlanc
(902) 473-7084

Department of Foreign Affairs
(613) 944-4000