Organizational Framework

A Coordinating Committee of partner representatives was the key mechanism by which the community/public health partnership was achieved. It was the model chosen because it was viewed as the approach which would create commitment and ownership of the program by those involved. This Committee, appointed by the Minister of Health for the Province of Nova Scotia, was the mechanism by which community resources and intersectoral support from the public, academic and private sectors was brought together to participate in the planning, development, implementation and the evaluation of the Heart Health Program.

Coordinating Committee Structure

The first task of the Coordinating Committee was to develop a shared vision of the program which was articulated in a mission statement and in program goals and objectives. The mission statement which resulted from this process was:

"To promote the optimal health of Nova Scotians through community and individual empowerment and environmental change."

The development, implementation and evaluation of the program activities during the first five years were accomplished through a series of subcommittees. These subcommittees included Public Education, Professional Education, Workplace, Food For Health and Inequities. Each subcommittee defined priorities, set goals and objectives, implemented, and evaluated projects within their topic area.

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