A darkening sky, Falls upon the question why? A slowly creeping moon, On too an event that is comming soon. Looking through the glasses of foreseeing, A heart is bleeding, dying. A young wounded warrior, A life he led so bitter. He lays there, Inhaling his last few breaths of air. Looking throught the glasses of foreseeing, A heart is bleeding, pounding, dying. The last drips of blood, pumping through his body, In his mind he thinks he is sorry. He was gone, he was free, And still, he was so blind, he couldn't see. Darkness will soon fall, He never said good-bye to all. Spying through the glasses of foreseeing, A heart is screaming, aching, dying. The last drop of blood left his body, The feeling in his heart so sorry. In, came the darkness, His soul, a light, shinning in it's holyness. Now the gleams fall, they brake, He realized his life was nothing but a mistake.