Creating Your Profile: Part II

As promised, this month I will finish up my previous article on creating your profile. However, I am getting very low on ideas for articles, and I really need your suggestions. Also, I would like to now if you think my articles are too difficult to understand - this is a Tips for Newbies column, and not a Tips for Power Users column. Please email me, my address is at the bottom of this page.


There are 3 kinds of lists: numbered lists or ordered lists, unnumbered lists, and definition lists. Numbered lists are simply lists that are numbered, such as the one below:

  1. The first item in this list
  2. The second
  3. The third

Unnumbered lists are lists that are not numbered, like this one:

Definition lists are lists of definitions, such as:

The first term
The first definition
The second term
The second definition

Why and how to put a list in your profile

Lists can have many purposes. The most practical reason to put a list in your profile would be for a list of links to other places on the web that you found. The inside of your bookmark file is actually a list as well.

Numbered and unnumbered lists.

These two lists are so similar, so I'll save some time by explaining the two of them together. First start with either the tag <OL> or <UL> OL stands for ordered list, UL stands for unnumbered list. Then put the tag <LI>, and type in your first list item. Put another <LI> in and type in your second item. Keep doing this until done, and then put in either </OL> or </UL>. Note that </LI> is not needed, and that you can put links inside a list by using something like this:


<LI><A HREF="">Some link</A>

<LI><A HREF="">Some other link</A>


Definition Lists

Definition lists are created by starting with <DL>. Then put <DT> (definition term) and type in the term. Follow that by <DD> (definition) and type in the definition. Continue like this, alternating <DT> and <DD>, and when finished put in </DL>. No </DD>s or </DT>s are needed. Below is an example:


<DT>HTML<DD>HyperText Markup Language

<DT>WWW<DD>World Wide Web

<DT>CCN<DD>Chebucto Community Net

<DT>'Net<DD>Short for Internet


And here is how that list would look:

HyperText Markup Language
World Wide Web
Chebucto Community Net
Short for Internet

Links to other parts of the same document

To do this you need to set up two things: the link and the place where the link takes you. To set up the link, use <A HREF="#fred">A bit about my brother Fred</A>. Substitute Fred for whatever you like. Then, to set up the place where the link takes you, use <A NAME="fred">My brother Fred</A>. Substitute Fred for whatever you like, but remember that it must be the same as the one you used for the first tag.

Horizontal Lines

To put a horizontal line in your document, use <HR> (horizontal rule). There is no </HR>. Below is what it looks like:

The last line

The last line of many HTML documents is the address line which usually contains your name, email address, and perhaps your company or something else. To use this, type <ADDRESS>Name - email - etc</ADDRESS>. Below is an example:

James Schofield -

If you got this far, I guess you must understand what I'm talking about. Please remember to email me any suggestions you have. Thanks in advance!


Chebucto Connections TIPS FOR NEWBIES
is edited by James Schofield
who is happy to receive Questions, Comments or Suggestions.
If your browser does not support mail, write to James Schofield later at ae828@ccn·cs·dal·ca

Last Month: April 1996 Next Month: October 1996