Events and News - Fiskiörn Kindred

[image -- boat offering at Avalon East]

Photo: At Avalon East 1996 -- the boat we offered, made and decorated by the Kindred and friends.

  • Forthcoming events
  • News and notices
  • Events recently held
  • Events in 1997
  • Events in 1996
  • -- Our gydhja's e-mail contact address.
  • Fiskiörn Kindred Homepage

    Forthcoming events

    Einherjar feast
    A blót to honour those who fought -- in whatever way -- for what they held dear.

    Contact us for details of meetings, of the Kindred, or for further information about Asatru.

    Other news, notices, requests...

    Wecome to Amber Moon!
    born October 7, beautiful and strong. Frigga bless the little one, and her parents!

    Congratulations to Shane and Singing Grass...
    on their marriage, held at a beautiful site in the Annapolis Valley, July 4!

    Spae-working/Oracular Seidhr
    Next public Oracular Seidhr session is scheduled for January, date not yet assigned. Public sessions are held in the UU building, 5500 Inglis Street, Halifax, starting at 7:30 p.m. Dates are subject to adjustment to suit schedules of seidhrworkers. Public sessions are open to all who wish to ask questions of the seer/ess.

    People interested in informal seidhr/journeying sessions, workshops or classes should contact our gythja, or Shane, Francine or Thorgerd for details of private journeying or training sessions. Little Mysteries Books at (902) 423-1313 may have details, and can always put you in touch with us.

    We have conducted several private seidhr sessions during the last few months.

    The photograph shown here (and located at the Heathen Pages) is of the wonderful High Seats built by CL Hankins, and used for the Three Norns Seidhr at Trothmoot, 1997.

    Workshop -- Goddesses, Gods and Rites of the North
    An opportunity to learn about the Ásynjur, Æsir and Vanir, and the rituals that Ásatrú-folk perform in their honour. Little Mysteries Books. New date to be announced. Call 423-1313 to pre-register.
    Workshop charge is $10.

    We are trying to collect or write songs appropriate to Asatru, for use in ritual and at other times, like parties.... If you have any good material, please let us know. Folk songs from Scandinavia, Scotland or England are much appreciated!

    Events recently held

    (in reverse chronological order)

    On the shore in the dark, on October 23. The seals did not speak to us, this year -- the darkness did, as we said farewell to Njöršr and welcomed the coming of the dark nights and the magic they bring.

    Fall blessing
    Held the Saturday of the equinox (Sept 21). A blót to honour the harvest, and Sif.

    August 21-23 -- rituals and workshops at Avalon East Pagan Gathering
    We ran a workshop on seidhr, followed by a seidhr session, on Friday August 21. Thanks to all participants! Also, a workshop on songs and storytelling, and another on basic Asatru ritual practices.

    A call for rain
    Held Friday August 7, at "Thor's rock" in Point Pleasant Park. Once again, we're having a summer which is far too dry. Farms and crops are suffering, and the forests have been closed to travel, and open fires prohibited. We asked Thor to bring rain, and drummed for the rain we sought.
    The ritual was interesting for the effects around us: the calls of wildlife in the branches of surrounding trees as the gydhja sang a rune row, and the rush of wind that greeted the toast to the Aesir and Vanir.
    Last night and today (August 11 and 12) we had some rain. We still need more...
    Summer blessing
    Held Saturday July 11, 4:30 p.m. A blót to honour the summer!
    Various events in June prevented a formal meeting. (Shane and Singing Grass were married, with several kindred members in attendance, and our gydhja officiating! Several kindred members took part in the ERCE summer solstice ritual, at Chocolate lake Park. Also the Gydhja was away twice, and brought back kind wishes from folks at Trothmoot in the US, and in Iceland and the UK.)
    Shopes' Sumbel
    Held on Friday May 29. We told stories, sang songs... to honour God/esses, ancestors, and our own deeds and hopes.

    Friday, May 1, 7:00 p.m. We celebrated at "Thor's Rock" in the park, around sunset. This blót was conducted by Shane, and was much enjoyed by all.

    Saturday Feb 21, and Saturday April 25 (events sponsored by ERCE). An evening of traditional stories from legend and myth. We'll be holding another one, probably in the fall... For details click Tales of Wonder, Tales of Wisdom to see poster.

    April Plough Blessing
    Held in Thorgerd's garden, in part based on the "Erce" charm.

    A weekend of celebration!
    First, the open ERCE celebration was conducted by our Kindred, sponsored by ERCE. This was a public celebration of an old Germanic Heathen festival, at which we symbolically poanted seeds and shared seeds, and introduded a new chant...
    The next day, Sunday March 29, we held our Kindred's own Egg-Fest, painting hard-cooked eggs, taking them to the shore of Point Pleasant Park, and rolling them, to the delight of the seagulls and the numerous children of our group... following this with a potluck.

    February Housewarming and offering to Frigga
    This took place rather differently from the plans announced previously! The Frigga-blót for Friday 13th was to be cancelled due to sickness of a major participant. Instead several of us inaugurated a friend's new home, calling on Frigga and performing a ritual of purification, and bringing fire and earth around the apartment.
    Blót for Thor!
    In this winter of the bitter ice, we asked his protection for the Earth, and for all who need his help how. We also toasted the winter guardians Ullr and Skadhi. We had a feast with good bread, curry, pork pie, cider, cranberry juice and beer, and after it was cleared away, we sang...

    See what we did in 1997... Now see what we did in 1996

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    Contact addresses and stuff

    To find out more about Asatru, Fiskiörn Kindred, or the Ring of Troth, Contact Katla at gydhja"at" or email us

    Visit The Troth at

    Number of Visits to this Page
    This list last updated on Frigga's day, November 13, 1998