

Associate Profiles

Nick Webb, PhD

Nick Webb

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Originally trained in functional ceramics in Birmingham, England, Nick Webb worked as a public school teacher in the United Kingdom. He completed his MA in the UK at what is now Birmingham City University, and his PhD at Pennsylvania State University.

He has taught at NSCAD University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, for over twenty years. He chaired the Art Education Division there for fifteen years, and headed the MA Education program. Presently, he teaches philosophy and pedagogy in the Division of Historical and Critical Studies..

He is published in journals and books, has edited the Canadian Review of Art Education, is presently on the editorial board for Visual Arts Research and has lectured in the US and Europe.

While he enagages in curatorial work and maintains a studio practice, he is an external examiner for the International Baccalaureate Program and co-wrote curriculum for them. He has visited schools in Mozambique and organised an international simultaneous exhibit of children’s work in Japan and Canada.
First involved in Trinidad & Tobago in 2000, helping to write collaboratively new public school curricula in visual art, music, dance, and drama, through 2005, he has helped to complete a contract educating 120 teachers in Technology and Design Education. In particular, he taught courses in production design and pedagogy. He also helped to establish Technology Education Laboratories in 10 schools across Trinidad and in the design of Mobile Design Labs destined for use across the school system there.

In addition to his knowledge of the visual arts, including the fine arts, the crafts, and design, he continues to find challenge and interest in bringing a designer’s approach to collaboratively tailoring education systems for differing cultural contexts – sensitivity, practicality, and innovation are key principles.

24 May 2008

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