[NatureNS] Saturday beginner's bird walk Pt Pleasant Pk, Halifax

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Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2013 13:43:49 -0400
From: BSC NS Plovers <nsplovers@gmail.com>
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Hi all,

I'll be leading an NS Bird Society beginners' bird walk at Pt. Pleasant
Park in Halifax tomorrow morning...celebrating winter warriors (both the
birds and bird watchers).

Too cold, you say??  The expected high of -9 deg C will feel downright
balmy compared to the last few days, so no excuses!  Here are a few more

Living in the "Dead of Winter" Beginner's Bird Walk (NS Bird Society)
Saturday, 26 January 2013; 10-11:30 am
Meet at Point Pleasant Park, Black Point Beach concession stand at 10 am
We'll seek out coastal and forest birds in Point Pleasant Park and see and
learn about physical and behavioural adaptations that allow them to survive
in the dead of winter. We'll also work on how to identify common birds and
discuss what you can do to help them. Dress warmly and bring binoculars if
you have them. Contact Sue Abbott (nsplovers@gmail.com or 222-2880) for
more information.  Walk will be cancelled if raining or snowing. No storm

Sue Abbott

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Hi all,<br><br>I&#39;ll be leading an NS Bird Society beginners&#39; bird w=
alk at Pt. Pleasant Park in Halifax tomorrow morning...celebrating winter w=
arriors (both the birds and bird watchers).<br><br>Too cold, you say??=A0 T=
he expected high of -9 deg C will feel downright balmy compared to the last=
 few days, so no excuses!=A0 Here are a few more details:<br>
<br>Living in the &quot;Dead of Winter&quot; Beginner&#39;s Bird Walk (NS B=
ird Society)<br>Saturday, 26 January 2013; 10-11:30 am<br>Meet at Point Ple=
asant Park, Black Point Beach concession stand at 10 am<br>We&#39;ll seek o=
ut coastal and forest birds in Point Pleasant Park and see and learn about =
physical and behavioural adaptations that allow them to survive in the dead=
 of winter. We&#39;ll also work on how to identify common birds and discuss=
 what you can do to help them. Dress warmly and bring binoculars if you hav=
e them. Contact Sue Abbott (<a href=3D"mailto:nsplovers@gmail.com">nsplover=
s@gmail.com</a> or 222-2880) for more information.=A0 Walk will be cancelle=
d if raining or snowing. No storm date.<br>
<br><br>Thanks,<br>Sue Abbott<br>


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