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Society Officers

The Clan Henderson Society of Canada

Elected by the membership for two-year terms, the Society Officers oversee the daily administration of the Society. This includes managing the membership records and collecting the dues, managing the finances, building the genealogy database, publishing a Society newsletter and representing the participation and membership in other Scottish organizations.

The Officers of the Clan Hendrson Society of Canada are:

The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Clan Henderson Society and will preside at all meetings of the Society, appoint all appointed officers and recommend the appointment of Regional Commissioners.

The Vice-President is the Deputy Chief Executative officer of the Clan Henderson Society and in the absence of the President, shall fulfill the duties of the President.

The Secretary shall maintain the official records and conduct all official correspondence of the Clan Henderson Society of Canada. These include dues renewal and membership applications and correspondance.

The Treasurer shall be the official custodian of the funds of the Clan Henderson Society of Canada and shall submit annually, the Clan Henderson Society financial records for audit.

The Executive at Large shall use their experience and skills to bring an over-sight, opinion and judgement to the deliberations of the Clan Henderson Society of Canada Executive deliberations. There may be as many Executive at Large positions as the President decides but no less than three.

All persons holding an office in the five elected categories shall have full and equal voting privileges at all meetings of the Executive Board.

Appointed Society Officals

These positions are appointed by the President with the approval of the Society Executive.

The Genealogist shall collect, catalogue and maintain genealogical records provided by the member families and shall offer assistance to any member in their own genealogical research.

The Chaplain shall provide spiritual guidance for Clan Henderson and serve as the source of information of a spiritual nature to the membership. The Chaplain shall communicate to the membership through the regular publication of Creag an t-Sanais.

The Editor of Creag an t-Sanais, the Clan Henderson Society of Canada newsletter, shall keep the membership informed through the regular publication of a newsletter. The Editor shall have the final decision on the content and material published in Creag an t-Sanais.

The Piper will coordinate all the piping requirements of the Clan Henderson Society of Canada and shall support, wherever possible, the Clan Henderson at their Gatherings.

All persons holding an office in the four appointed positions shall participate in the Executive Board of the Clan Henderson Society of Canada and have singular and equal voting privileges.

Executive Board

Clan Henderson Society of Canada

The Regional Commissioners, the Elected Officers and the Appointed Officials shall constitute the Executive Board of the Clan Henderson Society of Canada.


©2008. Designed by L.Roy