About CCN

CCN-Youth is an interest group on the Chebucto Community Net that supports and encourages youth information on and participation in CCN. With its mailing list, it is also a forum for youth to exchange ideas and opinions about the world around them and to freely express themselves (within the guidelines of responsible usage specified by CCN).

To meet this objective, CCN-Youth:

Maintains various pages and links containing information of interest to youth
Works to increase access to the Community Net for youth
Encourages community agencies which serve youth to become Information Providers
Hosts the CCN-Youth Email Discussion List (unmoderated, although some Rules exist)

Meetings are held intermittently. At one time they were held monthly and we hope they will be again. Some meetings are informal coffee shop discussions, while others are centred on activities like bowling, movies, Christmas di nners, etc. At present, CCN Youth needs more members to increase its activity level.

When meetings take place, minutes are often posted here.

You can join the email discussion list in three ways:

Select this link to subscribe to ccn-youth@chebucto.ns.ca now
In your email program, send a message to "majordomo@chebucto.ns.ca" and, in the message body, write "subscribe ccn-youth" and nothing else. Don't use quotation marks for either the address or the message .
Send an email to Jan, af189@chebucto.ns.ca, and ask her to manually add you to the list.

You can also look at the CCN Youth Archives, which contain past email messages. The archives also contain options such as subscribing and unsubscribing to the mailing list.

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