Nikolai Berdyaev
1874 - 1948

Philosophy ... is the creative perception by the spirit
of the meaning of human existence.
-- Solitude and Society



Biographical Note
    by E. L. Allen
Brief Biography
    by Nino Langiulli

Berdyaev's Philosophy

Berdyaev Quotes
8th Day of Creation

Articles & Essays


Discussion List




Berdyaev Bibliography
Part III - Journal Articles written by Berdyaev

(1923) THE END OF THE RENAISSANCE. The Contemporary Crisis of Culture. Slavonic Review, 1925 vi. & vii. (i.e. Chapter I in the 1923 Berdyaev-edited anthology "Sophia: Problemy dukhovnoi kulturi i religioznoi filosofia" (lit.) "Sophia: Problems of Spiritual Culture and Religious Philosophy".

(1928) IBSEN. Cross Currents, 1955, Vol. V, No. 2. (originally appeared under the title "Tri Iubileya: L. Tolstoi, Genrikh Ibsen, N. Fedorov" (lit.) "Three Jubilees: L. Tolstoy, Henrich Ibsen, N. Fedorov", in journal Put', jun. 1928, No. 11, p. 76-94)

(1931) PROBLEM OF CHRISTIAN CULTURE IN ORTHODOX CONSCIOUSNESS. Fellowship Journal, dec. 1931, No. 14, p. 263-269.

(1931) THE CRISIS OF CHRISTIANITY. Christendom, 1937, No. 2, p. 228-240. (originally appeared under title "Krizis Khristianstva i Krizis Kul'tury" (lit.) "The Crisis of Christianity and the Crisis of Culture", in journal Vestnik Russkogo Studencheskogo Khristianskogo Dvizheniya vo Frantsii, aug./sept. 1931, No. 8-9, p. 12-19).

(1933) YOUNG FRANCE AND SOCIAL JUSTICE. Dublin Review, jan. 1935. (originally appeared under the title "Zhurnal Esprit i Dukhovno-Sotsial'nye Iskaniya Frantsuzskoi Molodezhi" (lit.) "The Journal Esprit and the Spiritual- Social Search of French Youth", in journal Put', jun. 1933, No. 39, p. 78-82).

(1933) THE CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE OF HUMAN ASSOCIATION. Christendom, 1933, Vol. III, No. 10, p. 93-104.

(1933) A CRITICAL NOTE OF DR J HECKER'S MOSCOW DIALOGUES. Christendom, 1933, No. 12, p. 315-319.

(1934) THE METAMORPHOSIS OF MARXISM. Blackfriars, feb. 1934, No. 167; American Review, sept. 1934, No. 4.

(1934) ABOUT THE NEW CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALITY. Sobornost', sept. 1934, No. 25.

(1935) MARXISM AND THE CONCEPTION OF PERSONALITY. Christendom, dec. 1935, No. 2. (originally appeared under the title "Personalizm i Marksizm" in journal Put', jul./sept. 1935, No. 48, p. 3-19).

(1936) SPIRITUAL DUALISM AND DAILY BREAD. American Scholar, 1938. (originally appeared under title "Neogumanizm, Marksizm i Dukhovnye Tsennosti" (lit.) "Neo-Humanism, Marxism and Spiritual Values", in Sovremennye Zapiski, 1936, No. 60, p. 319-324).

(1936) THE BROTHERHOOD OF MEN AND THE RELIGIONS. Proceedings of the World Congress of Faiths, 3-17 jul. 1936, p. 75-84. Edited by Douglas Millard, London.

(1936) WAR AND THE CHRISTIAN CONSCIENCE. Sobornost', aug. 1936; Reconciliation, aug. 1936; Pax Pamphlets, 1938, No. 2.

(1945) ATTITUDES TOWARDS THE REVOLUTION, The Evolution of "Nationalism" and of "Internationalism". The Commonweal, 24/28 sept. 1945. (originally appeared under the title, "Prevrascheniya `natsionalizma' i `internatsionalizma'", in Russki Patriot, 10 feb. 1945, No. 16; Novoe Russkoe Slovo...

(1945) THE PERSON AND THE COMMUNAL SPIRIT IN THE CONSCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE. Transformation, 1947, No. 4, p. 7- 23. (the Russian original is unpublished; first published in French -- "Cahiers de la nouvelle epoque" 1945, No. 1; this article is included in the 1949 English book "Towards a New Epoch", qv. vide supra).

(1948) THE CRISIS OF MAN IN THE MODERN WORLD. International Affairs, jan. 1948.

(1948) POLITICAL TESTAMENT. World Review, mar. 1949 (originally published first in French, in Le Cheval Blanc, 1948, No. 4/5).

(1952) THE TRUTH OF ORTHODOXY. The Student World, jul. 1958, XXI, p. 249-263 (originally appeared in 1952 in journal Vestnik Russkogo Zapadno-Evropeiskogo Ekzarkhata, jul. 1952, n.s. No. 11,p. 4-10).

Copyright © 23 March 1998 by Fr. Stephen Janos. (
Last revised: February 22, 2008