South Coast of Newfoundland

Four weeks along the South Coast of Newfoundland aboard the “Concertina” from mid-July to mid-August 2006.

Tuesday, 1 August 2006

Brent Cove to Morgan Arm, Hare Bay;
All charts are not created equal.

Leaving Brent Cove
Tuesday was bright and clear with fresh variable westerlies that had the crew tucking in and shaking out reefs, finally settling on a single reef in both fore and main.
Again the seas became steeper as the day wore on and it became harder to maintain sailing momentum bucking into the waves.
Entrance to Hare Bay John’s expertise at the helm, edging up to windward with every chance, saved us from having to make yet another tack offshore to weather the eastern headland of Hare Bay. The waves smashing against the cliff base off our lee bow was an added incentive for keeping the course full and by. According to the chart, we had over a mile to go to the entrance to Hare Bay, which would require another tack, when the harbour mouth appeared.

We note that some other charts for the South Coast of Newfoundland caution that they are published to "no known datum", and advise use of "positioning methods such as range and bearing."
Inside the entrance to Hare Bay Our pleasure at finding the entrance to Hare Bay earlier than expected was somewhat tempered as the breezes in the narrow gut were baffling and the ebb current set up lumpy conditions when it met the incoming seas. In this photo, the helmsman is more relaxed now that he has a steadier breeze and some steerage.
Approaching Morgan Bay With a strong ebb and winds baffling off the cliffs on both sides the power was eventually called upon to make progress toward Morgan Arm. We wanted to explore the falls there, and besides, another vessel was anchored in the Northwest Arm, the other good anchorage in Hare Bay.
Rowing into Morgan Arm Falls Although the cruising guide advised that we could anchor in the basin under the falls if we had steady hand and firm resolve, and plenty of lines ashore, we elected to anchor outside and row in to explore the falls and the river above.
The falls at Morgan Arm The force of this stream is fully evident as it cascades over the smooth granite ledge in its final rush to the tidal water of the basin.
The cut at the top ofthe cascade

This photo of Ed helps demonstrate the deceptive scale of the monumental landscape on this coast.

Morgan Arm from the top of the falls
The stream here was strong and confined in a rocky cut as it descended to the upper basin, then out to Morgan Arm and eventually into Hare Bay beyond.
Looking upstream from Morgan Arm falls
A view of the river, looking upstream.
harebells and lichens And some of the detail missed in the big pictures.

Monday, 31 July 2006
return to log index
Wednesday, 2 August 2006