Chebucto Plus Support Needed - Spam Filtering

Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2006 17:45:13 -0400 (AST)
From: CCN Help <>
To: Tom Fullerton <>
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Hi Tom,

   With a number of people I know at CCN that I've asked, they find the
spam filter does a reasonable job of snagging junkmail; nothing is ever
perfect, but such is life.  When I say there are no other reports of
problems by user, it is because they haven't reported any problems.  Since
my mind reading ability is poor at best, I rely on problem reports by
users to assist them further.  :-)

   I will send this to tech in the event you are also having a problem
with your account, although I believe you are well aware of quota
problems and how they can disable your account if not taken care of.

CCN Help


On Wed, 1 Nov 2006, Tom Fullerton wrote:

> I was just reading your reply to another user about spam filtering. At
> some point you say there have been no other problems.
> I may not have written before, but I had (up to now) set the filter on my
> account to "No spam," and my mail box is filled every day with it. I just
> changed the setting on my account to "save spam in junkmail folder" or
> whatever the setting says.
> I had tried that some months back, but there was no effect (and nothing in
> the Junkmail folder).
> I am using LYNX and PINE exclusively (and via TELNET).
>  I am not complaining - I don't really care, as the [D] button is quite
> convenient to use, but FYI it seems that something is not working right
> there.

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