I'm pregnant (or would like to be) and I'm looking for a midwife
At present there are only two sites where a midwife can practice legally. One is in Antigonish, the other is on the South Shore based in Bridgewater.
I have midwifery training in another country. Would I be able to practice in Nova Scotia?
The details about how the Department of Health will accomodate midwives from other places is currently being worked out. You can find more information at the website of the Canadian Midwifery Regulators Consortium. They have a great page for internationally educated midwives.
I would dearly love to be a midwife. What kind of training would I need and where could I get it?
Have a look on our training page, and also on the Canadian Midwifery Regulators Consortium page mentioned above.
I'm doing a term paper. Do you have some information I could use?
Have a look at our library, especially Further Research. More links will be posted over the next few months. And if you find something that isn't listed that you think would be helpful to others, please let us know.
I'm a reporter and am doing a piece on midwifery. Do you have some information? Could I interview someone?
Have a look at our research library. Feel free to contact us using the information on the contacts page.
What's the difference between the Association of Nova Scotia Midwives and the Midwifery Coaltion of Nova Scotia?
The ANSM is a group of professional midwives. The MCNS is the consumer group; women who may have had their babies with a midwife (or wish they had) and/or who hope the midwifery experience can be available to all other women in Nova Scotia.