Letter from T. Nickerson (President of NSRFC) to A. McKay, 6th April 92.

The Nova Scotia Research Foundation Corporation is undergoing a restructuring and the new organization has resulted in some redundant positions within the corporation. The position of Manager of Information and Geophysics is one of these redundant positions. Effective April 6th, 1992, this position will no longer exist at NSRFC.

As you are aware, in 1989-90, NSRFC ceased contract geophysical survey activities. We have allowed staff in the Section to reduce and have encouraged those who remained to be alert for other opportunities. A study to assess other geophysically-related opportunities has concluded that there are no significant opportunities that are not now being carried out by the private sector. Accordingly, we have decided to end our geophysical activities.

At this time we are unfortunately not able to find other positions at Nova Scotia Research Foundation Corporation that meet your qualifications, capabilities and/or level of compensation. It is therefore with regret that we are terminating your employment effective April 6th, 1992.

Please complete and return the attached release by April 15, 1992.

We thank you for your service with the Nova Scotia Research Foundation Corporation and wish you well in your efforts to seek new employment.

Yours sincerely,

T.B. Nickerson, P.Eng.


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