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Ben's World - Observations and Opinions

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Work Much of the text below started as part of a 1996 comment on a related topic, and when I looked at it in the perspective of the 1997 Nova Scotian and Canadian elections it seemed to fit there as well.

In 1999 there was another Nova Scotia election and there did seem, at first, to have been some change in the right direction - but that impression is now fading.

I have some strong criticisims of our present system of governments.
The first, recently highlighted in Nova Scotia, is the attitude that individual members as well as entire governments have no obligation to respect the wishes of the voters - except to pay lip service to them at election time. Many seem to feel that their mandate is to do what they think is best, with no regard for the opinions of the voters they are supposed to "represent" - and in 2002 we have seen it proven once again that it is really only what the party leader wants (or is allowed to do by the larger businesses?) that has any chance of being done.

I was fortunate enough in the eighties and a bit beyond to have a provincial MLA who was willing to listen to my perspectives. I think that our present MLA would do the same. However, that is not my biggest concern.

Finally we elected a premier with the same perspective that I have had for years on the Provincial Public Debt. Buying votes with taxpayers (ie. voters) money is a stupid way of doing things - unless you have no children (or nieces or nephews) that you care about. They are the ones who are in trouble - mostly because of Trudeau, Mulroney (and others on the national scene) plus Buchannan and other lesser provincial spendthrifts who "bought" popularity by wasting the money of future taxpayers.

So - what is the "ideal" system?

I don't know - but I will offer these suggestions for your consideration and comment:

First - the job of government is to govern.
This does NOT include business ownership and/or management functions, subsidization of business, operation of gambling establishment and systems, setting of personal moral standards, ........... ........... and the list goes on.
It is simpler to list what governments *should* be producing:

Policy is contained in the laws and policy directives of the country (or province or municipal unit, etc.)
"Policy" must, of necessity, also include an effective enforcement system - which we describe by changing only the last letter of that word from "y" to "e".
Good policy (laws, directives, etc.,) defines a system which is fair to all citizens as seen by a majority of those citizens (ie. democracy).

Planning involves looking to the future, both short and long term - and long term planning can be an unpopular task for those with a mandated time limit of about four years!

Planning involves, for the most part, acceptance of the undeniable fact that most things change with time and that changed circumstances require new or revised Policies and Plans.

All of this is leading to the bottom line: if governments develop the right policies and plan wisely for the future there will be no shortage of investors and business people to generate a prosperous economy WITH NO DIRECT INPUT (FINANCIAL OR OTHERWISE) FROM GOVERNMENT!

If problems develop due to inadequate Policy or Planning then the Government should be replaced by the voters at the first opportunity!

Seems simple to me.
What do you think?

As I See It,

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