picture of Bruce beside modem-moms picnic sign

Modem-Moms Picnic 98

The 3rd Annual Modem-Moms Picnic was held on August 15, 1998 at the Dingle (Fleming Park). That's Bruce Brown (Bonny Lee's husband) beside the sign. Links to a few pictures are below:

Karen McNair and Tay Landry with Dylan
Jeremy McPhee
Alex McNair blowing bubbles
Elizabeth McPhee with Melissa
At the picnic table (from left to right) Bruce Brown, Kevin McNair, Karen McNair, Natalie McNair. Ariana Lee-Brown in the foreground.
Some of the kids enjoying the beach
Briony and Alex McNair blowing bubbles
Natalie McNair and Jeremy McPhee
The famous pavlova! (Yum, yum)

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