Peaceful Pursuits Homepage

 Politically Perfect Paper
 100% post printer reclaimed quality card and paper
 Suitable for pens, pencils, crayons, markers

   Made in Canada  - Environmentally Responsible - Creative, Educational, & Non-Violent
    Scrapbooking Set
    Memories Album
    Doodle & Design Box
    Art Set
    Project Packs
    Sketch & Note Books



Why Scrapbooking? "Memory Books" have been an increasing phenomenon for several years, with dozens of magazines and web sites, courses and products promoting them. Scrapbooking fans spend hours using rubber stamps, special papers, stencils and calligraphy pens to beautify their scrapbooks—which instantly become family heirlooms. They also spend quite a lot of money! (Well, $10.00 for 10 sheets of 'special' paper seems like a lot to us!) Materials for use in scrapbooks have tended to be marketed separately in craft shops.

In contrast, our Scrapbooking Set is an all-in-one set aimed at the gift market. It combines an heirloom quality hand-made scrapbook (with a magnificent marbleized gold cover tied with an extravagant gold ribbon), craft materials and an illustrated "how-to" booklet. In retail testing at Christmas, we sold out of product and took orders and reorders from enthusiastic customers! We expect your customers to be just as enthusiastic.

    Peaceful Pursuits 
  6291 Coburg Road  
  Halifax, N.S.  
  B3H 2A3

Ph: 902 422 6101 
Ph: 902 469 9469 
Fax: 902 421 1580 