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June 5, 2001 Board Minutes

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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
6:30pm, June 5th, 2001


  • Jamie Carroll
  • Ed Dyer
  • Tom Fullerton
  • Bernie Hart
  • Marilyn MacDonald
  • John McKay
  • Mark Rushton
  • Jeff Warnica
  • Viola Winstanley
  • Andrew D. Wright


  • Grace Paterson (Notice given)
  • Chris Watt (Notice given)

Minutes of May 15th Meeting

Copies of the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of May 15th were distributed. It was moved by Mark and seconded by Jamie that the minutes as amended by approved. Passed.

Confirmation of Appointment of a Webmaster

Marilyn explained she had discussed this position with Andrew and he had agreed to take it on. Ed Dyer expressed a concern as to whether this work would be considered part of Andrew's position or whether he would be doing this a part of his volunteer Director role. Marilyn indicated Andrew had made it clear this would be a part of his volunteer role.

It was moved by Jamie Carroll and seconded by Ed Dyer that Andrew Wright be confirmed as the CCN Webmaster. Passed.

B. Hart asked whether there should be provision for an understudy to ensure that there would be continuity. Marilyn indicated that Johnathan would be providing this role.

Presentation re Training - Alan Brown

Marilyn introduced Alan Brown who had expressed an interest in reviving the user training programs which had been a feature of Chebucto in the past. Alan said he was interested in providing small group sessions and two locations had been identified. There was a question about a charge. Marilyn suggested we need to develop a plan but that it would be her preference to include basic training as a membership perk. However, she agreed there might be a fee for non-members. There was a question about whether the training would be directed to PPP or Text users and also whether it would be for both Mac and PC users. There was discussion of the present Users Guide. Andrew pointed out that this not a training guide.

It was agreed that Bernie would contact Steve Gallagher who is preparing training materials for CAP sites and arrange a meeting with Alan. He would then report to the External Committee with the results. The External Committee will report to the Board on this project.

CCN Revitalization

Mark reported he had had response to his posting on this project and he had responded one-on-one and made appropriate changes to his initial proposal. He asked whether the Board wished to proceed with this project and if so who should be involved.- he was particularly concerned that this project involve dialogue with the membership. It was agreed that the next step will be the creation of a discussion forum similar to Mark, Jamie and Johnathan will initiate this project.

Updates - CSuite Project

Jamie reported he had another call from OLT and he recommended that CCN withdraw from the project. There was general agreement that if the project was to go ahead there would not be sufficient volunteer support for it. It was agreed that depending on the results of the revitalization CCN might wish to revisit this funding possibility. The question was asked about any funding remaining from the initial $25,000. Marilyn said she did not think there was any money left over. Another question concerned the ownership of the code. There was also the question as to CCN's response to another group wishing to take over the project.

In response to a question about the implications of withdrawing sponsorship Ed indicated we would not be able to develop a number of the products which we wish to have to meet existing needs.

It was moved by Jamie Carroll and seconded by Andrew Wright that Chebucto inform OLT that we are withdrawing sponsorship of the CSuite Upgrade funding proposal with the provision a) that CCN may wish to resubmit a proposal in the future and b) that Jamie inform David Murdoch and Gary Shearman of this decision via phone prior to informing OLT.


It was agreed the Executive would be asked to review the status of the CSuite Software to determine ownership and the rights which belong to Chebucto. The Executive will also address the issue of whether we wish to prevent others from improving the software.

Provincial Server

Bernie reported he had communicated with Gary Shearman with respect to the Server. It appears that the funding for the Server had been applied for by Telecommunications Canada and the server was assigned to Chebucto. It was agreed that Bernie would draft a letter for Gary for the approval of the Board. The intention of the letter would be to describe the present uses of the server and to propose its transfer to Chebucto for use in Nova Scotia.

Knowledge House

Marilyn reviewed this initiative indicating that John McKay had been in touch with the Dan Potter, President of Knowledge House. Dan had expressed an interest in exploring a possible partnership with CCN, perhaps similar to that now in place with CB Net. As a first step Bernie has contacted a representative of CB Net to discuss their arrangement.


The annual budget for the year 2001 was finalized, discussed, and approved by vote of the board on the board mailing list March 14 to 16, 2001.

Committee Reports

Finance Committee:

Chris Watt, the current Treasurer, was not present. Marilyn explained that Chris will be moving away from the area and has resigned his position. Marilyn pointed out that the key finance issues have to do with the Audit and the Banking arrangements. She is now working with a Linda Grainger at the Royal Bank. There is a need to transfer $13,000 from the Royal Bank to the Credit Union. However, first the signing officers must be recognized by the Credit Union.

Following a discussion of the role of the Treasurer it was moved by John McKay and seconded by Jamie Carroll that Chris' resignation be accepted and that Jeff Warnica be appointed Treasurer. Passed

It was moved by Mark Rushton and seconded by Jamie Carroll that Chris Watt's name be removed as a signing officer and that in his place Jeff Warnica be given signing authority. Passed.

Marilyn reported that two significant donations had been received since the last meeting. One of $5,000 and another of $1,000 which she had managed to obtain while in Ontario.

Technical Committee:

Ed reported on the UPS upgrade and the problems which had been associated with this change. The source of the problem was a switch which had to be replaced. This has resulted in an increased speed for the Text service - all are now 28 or 33; however, due to the linkage to the service the service is limited to 19.6.

Five more lines will be added to PPP as well as four additional lines for the Dal Dial Up Service. This leaves 32 lines for the Text service. Ed indicated there has been some discussion of Dal setting up its own Dial-up Service as there is now more space available.

CBC had donated an equipment rack and more may be available. Ed indicated the intention is to move from 33K modems to 56K for the PPP service and perhaps for Text as well. In response to a question about Chebucto withdrawing from Dal and setting up its own servce - Ed pointed out there are two issues to address. First is the cost of equipment and the second is the cost of lines.

Tom Fullerton raised the problem of CCN voice mail service and the difficulty it poses in enabling users to find out about service problems. Andrew outlined the limitations of the present voice mail arrangement and it was agreed Tom would meet with Andrew and report back to the Board with recommendations.

Discussion then turned to the Switch which Ed had acquired and the merits of exchanging this for one which would provide additional functions, particularly more ports. Ed has negotiated with the Company to take back the initial switch and replace it with a more suitable one for a total cost of $900.

It was moved by Jamie Carroll and seconded by Mark Rushton that Ed Dyer be given approval to purchase the new switch at a cost of $900. Passed

The following points were raised:

  • Marilyn asked about staightening out the the Board listserv and changing Doug McCann's ownership status. She added that the Ext List is still not functioning.
  • Ed agreed to look into discontinuing the membership report template which is generated each month.
  • Marilyn asked about being added to the Tech List.

Ed reported that he has been approached by several organizations which indicated an interest in having CCN host their web site for up to $50. per month. Ed pointed out that if this service was to be expanded it would mean acquiring a new server which is estimated to cost approximately $2,000. Quite apart from the hosting feature there is the aspect of having a secure server for financial transactions.

External Committee:

Marilyn reported a meeting of the Committee had been scheduled for next week and the concentration would be on Membership and Word on the Street.

Internal Committee:

Marilyn indicated she is concerned about the lack of an Internal Committee and she would continue to raise this issue until the Board is able to respond to the need.

Other Business

John McKay asked if members had been receiving calls from Robert Speirs. Ed indicated he is and will be reporting this to the Police. John urged all members to report each incident.

Jamie reported that Johnathan has been hired for ten hours per week at a rate of $10 per hour. A Letter of Understanding has been prepared and signed. Johnathan will keep a log and report on a bi-weekly basis.

Ed raised a concern about Johnathan being involved in dealing with Tech issues without the knowledge of the Tech Committee. Andrew and Jamie both assured Ed they would work in concert with the Tech Committee.

There was a question about continuing the Editor in Chief position which is presently held by Michael Cormier. Marilyn pointed out that this is another role for the Internal Committee. There was also a question about the selection of the Feature IP on the Home Page. Ed pointed out this was being done by Chris Majka and there was a procedure being followed. However, he would look into this matter.

The next meeting will be on June 26th.

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